Chapter 74 - Epilogue

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"Hey, Harry!" Teddy called from the fireplace.

"Teddy!" the three-year-old Lily squealed and threw herself onto eleven-year-old Teddy's leg. The sight melted Harry and Draco's hearts every time.

Teddy had settled with bright turquoise hair sometime after he turned eight. Draco thought it was hilarious, while Harry rubbed his forehead but smiled at how alike he was with his mother.

Lily wrestled Teddy to the ground and he pretended to surrender, throwing his arms up and yelling, "Defeat! Defeat! Lily Malfoy-Potter wins!"

Lily always loved it when he did that. Teddy let Lily crawl around him as he laid on the floor, talking to Harry.

"How're Sirius and Etamin?"

"Oh, they're fine, as fine as six-month-olds can be," Harry said happily. "You can come see the twins after Lily decides she's had enough of prowling," he added with a laugh.

Lily poked at Teddy's nose. "Do the piggy, do the piggy!"

Teddy laughed and scrunched up his face with effort, transforming his nose into a pig snout. Harry watched the kids. Time really flies, he couldn't believe Teddy would be going to Hogwarts in a couple months' time.

Lily giggled and hopped off of Teddy's stomach. He stood up then bent down to steady Lily's shoulders. "C'mon Lily, take me to your baby brothers!"

The silvery-blonde-haired girl waddled and bounced all the way proudly up the stairs, with Harry chuckling behind them.

The paintings on the wall were replaced by happy couple photos and the three kids, except the oil painting of mid-autumn scenery. Harry insisted on keeping that one, never telling Draco why.

The three made their way upstairs, and Teddy opened the second bedroom door for Lily.

"Hey, sweetum," Draco said, giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.

He had a towel slung over his shoulder. Teddy went over to hug him. "Hey, Ferret!"

"Hello, Teddy. The twins are awake, you can play with them."

Draco and Harry both scooped up a wriggling baby from their cribs and set them down on the plush carpet.

The couple stood at the corner of the room, their arms around each other, watching the four kids.

"Hello, Sirius, and hello, Etamin," Teddy cooed, taking turns to plant a huge kiss on the top of the two raven-haired babies.

Lily watched Teddy fuss over her brothers for a while but decided he had enough of them. "Teddy, I want to play Firebolt!"

Being Teddy's favorite, of course he couldn't refuse. "Okay!"

The turquoise-haired boy gave the twins one last pat on their heads and followed Lily, who had already raced out of the room.

"Poor Teddy," Draco chuckled as they heard a squealing Lily chase Teddy down the corridor, flying on her mini-Firebolt.

Harry laughed. "He loves Lily, he'll play her games."

The couple scooped up the twins from the floor. "You're just a pretty little boy, aren't you, Sirius?" Harry cooed at the boy in his arms. "No wait, you're Etamin."

Draco laughed and kissed Harry. "Thank Merlin Etamin has a tiny mole on his neck, yeah? Or we would've been in serious trouble." They bounced the twins lightly, earning delighted gurgles from the infants.

They consulted a wizarding adoption agency after Lily turned two years old. The couple was immediately chosen by an expecting young witch who had just gotten out of Hogwarts the same year. A month later, on a cold night on January twentieth, the first child was born a minute to midnight. Two minutes later, the second baby came into the world.

Harry set Etamin down in his crib. The identical wooden cribs were side by side, bearing the same tiny metal plaques.

Sirius James Malfoy-Potter,

Born 20/01/2009, 11:59

Etamin Scorpius Malfoy-Potter,

Born 21/01/2009, 00:01

Draco had also set Sirius down into his crib. The twins' bright hazel-colored eyes looked back at them, blinking and beaming.

There was a bang and Lily zoomed inside on her mini replica of the Firebolt, with Teddy chasing breathlessly behind her.

"Pappy, Daddy, look!" The girl clung to the tiny broomstick and spun. She was hanging upside down, laughing, and she spun upright again, floating mid-air.

The wheezing Teddy grimaced. "Harry, Ferret, I'm so sorry, I tried to stop her but she kept-"

"No, it's okay, Teddy," Draco laughed heartily. "Sorry we forgot to tell you; she invented the move last week right after you left. Mind you, it nearly gave us a heart attack, too."

Teddy breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"It's no use stopping her, really," Harry added.

Lily giggled and flew around the room.

"Lily, what did I say about flying in your brothers' room?" Harry said warningly.

She landed safely and said in a small voice, "Only very gentle flying and floating, no racing, Pappy."

"That's right. Now, you can go outside and play with Teddy!"

"Wheeee!" Lily mounted her broom and accelerated out the door, a panting Teddy chasing behind her.

"Well, the broom worked out for the best," Draco declared.

Harry chuckled. "I'm glad I still saved it when Teddy didn't care for it when he was a year old. Our daughter's going to be a quidditch legend," he quipped.

"You practically shoved the Firebolt to her the second she turned one. I'm blaming you for all the crashes in the house since then."

"It's not my fault that she's a natural," Harry retorted, grinning. "She really loves it."

"Yep. We better start saving up, she's going to be asking for the latest Nimbus the instant she turns eleven."

The two of them laughed as chaos erupted outside of the peaceful nursery.

"Yipee!" came Lily's voice.

"Wait up!" cried Teddy.

Harry looped his arm around his husband's waist and they smiled at each other.

All was well.


And that's the end of Post-peace Chaos, guys! I had so much fun writing this story, I pretty much cried when it ended :(

But it was one hell of a ride! I loved every minute of writing all 67k words of it :) Special thanks to everyone who read, commented, voted, supported, and gave feedback on my book🤍

I actually already have quite some ideas and an outline for a sequel! It would definitely take some time by the thoughts of it though (XD), so I might start writing it in a couple of months after I finish my college entrance exam! Eek!

Besides that, I will continue to write more Drarry fics! More works coming up in the future :) I've started writing another fic toward the end of PPC (it's about half-finished atm), and I plan to start publishing in about a week or two! (Title: Anonymous Love) [Edit: It is out NOW! Go take a look!!]

I just want to say thank you to you awesome readers again. When I started this book, I never thought it would've gotten so many reads, votes, or even comments! Thank you for giving me a chance and making this experience even more fun and exciting than I ever imagined.

Love you guys so much, stay awesome!

-Billie, Hufflepuff x

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