Chapter 39

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It was a cool Sunday evening, the air outside was starting to nip at people's cheeks, making everyone rosy and beaming.

Harry was lounging comfortably on his couch reading the new issue of The Quibbler, with Draco's thighs as his feet's cushion. He was reading A Hundred Useful Ingredients- Potions Edition.

"You know, you really should be reading this instead of that," Draco pointed out. "Aren't you starting the healing course tomorrow?"

Harry yawned. "Yeah, yeah, I know... but tomorrow's about healing charms," he said and tickled his thighs with his toes.

Draco scowled. "Stop that."

"Never," Harry said with a triumphant grin.

He tossed away The Quibbler and flopped down, fully lying on the sofa, his thighs on Draco's. "Why are you reading that book anyway? I thought you said you already read it like, a hundred times."

Draco rolled his eyes. "It's still nice to review. Plus, every time I reread it; I notice something different. Sometimes that leads to a new combination."

Harry laughed and shook his head. "You're such a potions geek."

The book came flying to his face but it bounced off Harry's shield charm.

"Damn. Auror training really bumped up your reflexes."

"Never try to cross an Auror-to-be," Harry sing-songed. "At least I hope I am an Auror-to-be," he grinned.

"You're talking nonsense. 'Course you are."

"Thank you." Harry wiggled his legs and Draco scowled again.

"You know what would be fun?"

"Yeah?" Draco asked, summoning back his potions book.


"Trick or what?"

"Trick-or-Treat!" Harry said brightly. "On Halloween. Just two days away! It's a muggle thing, their kids love it. They dress up, and at night, they go door to door asking for candy from adults. I always give them Honeydukes' chocolate. I tell them it's foreign," he laughed.

"So, a bunch of posh little kids comes to your door and you give them chocolate?"

"No! They dress up. It means they wear costumes and pretend to be someone or something else. Like fairies. Or vampires. Or werewolves. Or ghosts. Funnily enough, none of them actually look even close to the real thing," Harry chuckled.

"Sounds stupid."

"No, it's not!" Harry sprang up from his seat and held Draco's hand. "Come on! It'll be fun. You'll get to give them chocolate and the kids are all so happy! Plus," Harry added with a mischievous grin, "You'll get to use magic in front of them."

"What? Harry! That's illegal!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "You sound just like Hermione." Then he cracked a grin. "But they love it. Every year I just wear my old Hogwarts robes and tell them I'm a wizard. The muggles think I'm just a very good magician. Been doing it for two years."

"You're always full of weird ideas like that, aren't you?"

"It's fun!" Harry exclaimed and pulled Draco off the couch with both arms. "Come by my place Tuesday night and you'll see." Harry stood on his tiptoes to give him a kiss on his forehead.

Draco sighed. "Ugh, fine." But he smiled and returned a kiss in his hair.

"You can also wear your Hogwarts robes, too!"

"And I'm dreading this already," Draco replied as he stooped to kiss him properly.

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