Chapter 50

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"I love the way you cook," Draco observed lovingly, perching on Harry's kitchen counter. He watched Harry twirl about his wand and make delicious scents waft throughout the room. Even though he had already watched him countless times, Draco always made sure he wasn't holding a wine glass whenever he did.

Harry paused to turn around and wink at him, before returning to the pot of tomato soup Draco had requested earlier.

"How was work?"

"Oh, it was fine. I friended Amira," he said casually.

"Really? The Ferox girl that turned your blood blue and also into a mummy?"

"That's the one," Harry sang.

"Why? I thought you hated her."

"Well, she's a good person," he said. "And also, I've never really hated her. Just like you." Harry tickled his nose with his and resumed grating the parmesan. He said he was going to top the soup with a cheese crust.

"Really?" Draco mused. "You never hated me?"

"Of course not."


"Why did I have to?"

"I said some really awful stuff? I also insulted a load of your friends?"

"Well, yeah..." Harry said. "It really did bug me when the topic came to my parents or Ron's family, but, come on, it's not like I didn't do any of that, either."

"But still. Some of the stuff I said was pretty nasty."

"I'm not denying that," Harry said with a wink. "But we were teenagers, for Merlin's sake. We both know we were just playing a seven-year childish game."

He had finished preparing the meal and levitated the tray out the door. Draco followed him and they sat at the dining table.

"Well... sort of, I guess," Draco said, crunching the golden crust covering the soup with his fork. It truly looked mouth-watering. Getting him a recipe book was definitely the right choice.

"Don't get me wrong, there were times I wanted to rip your face off," Harry said, chuckling.

Draco raised his glass. "And I you," he smiled.

"But hate's a strong word, you know."

Draco sipped his cream of tomato and his taste pallets burst with flavor. He took a moment to savor the warm sensation and swallowed slowly.

"I guess it is."

They ate incomfortable silence for a while, Draco marveling at Harry's cooking. He always chose the easiest dishes and the simplest recipes, yet his cooking was still immaculate. It dazzled him.

"You know, I noticed you in sixth year," Harry said.

"What do you mean?"

Harry blushed, just slightly. "I... I noticed you weren't your usual self. I noticed how pale you were, the bags under your eyes."


"I kept suspecting you were up to something," he said, chuckling, "It drove Ron and 'Mione nuts."

"Well... I was."

Harry sipped his wine. "I kind of- sort of- stalked you too, to be honest," he admitted, blushing a little more.

"I did note that you were around a bit more,"

"Yeah... I might've been around a bit more than that," Harry said. "Once, I scared off Crabbe and Goyle-" he paused to double over, laughing- "Boy, it was funny. Anyway, I knew you were in the Room of Requirement, so I kept trying to get in when you were. To see what you were up to."

Draco paused. "You knew they were the girls?"

"Yeah. The three of us kind of figured it out."


They chewed in silence until Harry piped up again. "After- after sixth year... I kind of just- didn't dislike you anymore. I knew you were under pressure- maybe I didn't know what then, but I knew your acts weren't under your own commands."

"Well. They were a tough couple of years."

Harry reached out and rubbed the back of Draco's hand. "We all have our pasts," he said. "But I like the present. I love it, to be exact."

Draco smiled at his boyfriend and kissed him, tasting warm tomatoes and cream. "And that's all that matters."

Harry's emerald eyes gazed into his. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, love."

"What did you think to get into the Room of Requirement? You know, during the war, when the three of us were still in there?"

Draco merely kissed him again. "Not now, love. But I promise you'll know. Soon."

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