Chapter 42

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Harry, Chris, and Amira Ferox were once again in training room F, waiting for Dora to come.

Harry and Chris sat at the very back of the room, talking about random topics while Chris doodled a person cast a Bubble-head Charm onto the wooden table. Amira sat cross-legged on the floor; her nose stuck in a heavy book which Hermione would definitely call 'light reading.'

"We're doing Ferula today, right?"

"Yeah, I think so," replied Harry.

"'S nice, the Healing courses," Chris commented absentmindedly.

Amira, who Harry was sure was immersed in the book suddenly got to her feet. "Oh, please, the course is not even close to knowledgeable." she tutted.

"Maybe to you. We mastered both the Episkey and Reviving Charm," Chris shrugged.

Amira flushed deep red and she pointed an accusing finger at him. "You only like the Healing classes because you like Dora!"

"' Course I like Dora. She's qualified, talented, and does a hell of a job teaching us. Problem?"

She huffed angrily and directed her glare to Harry.

"And you! You just like them because-"

Amira Ferox stopped mid-sentence, which was something she normally didn't do.

"What? Snake got your tongue 'cause I'm gay?"

Chris sniggered into his hand.

Amira Ferox flopped down angrily and tore open her book, jabbing her nose into the pages.

"She's just pissed that we got ahead of her again at the Reviving Charm," Chris whispered to Harry.

"And I didn't even have a head start this time," Harry whispered back with a grin.



Draco heard a familiar knock and smiled.

"It's open!"

He heard the door open and close. Seconds later, a man with tousled jet-black hair came walking into the dining room.

"Hello," Harry bent down to give Draco a kiss. He sat down next to him.

"Sorry I'm in my Auror robes again, something came up today," Harry told him.

"What happened?"

"Well, we were learning the Bandaging Charm for the first time-"

"And what did that Ferox girl do?"

Harry grinned at him. "To put it in simple words, she turned me into a mummy."

"Aw, you poor thing," Draco tickled Harry's nose.

"Long story short, Dora spent half an hour vanishing the wraps."

They both laughed and Draco petted his hair. "Shall we eat?"

"Not yet," Harry said with a hint of mischief. Draco squinted at him, knowing his mischievous face too well.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I knew which muggle restaurant you were going to order from so I canceled your order."


"I told them to prepare them beforehand instead. We, are going out." Harry grinned and gave him a quick peck.

Draco was confused. "Wait- we're going to the restaurant?"

"Correct," Harry said with a triumphant tone.

"Aren't you going to be seen?"

"I have a plan." Harry winked and Draco shuddered a bit.

Harry took his hand and he felt the familiar sensation of being compressed. He wove his way in the suffocating darkness, Harry's tight grip still on his arm.

They landed. They appeared to be in a dimly lit and murky alley.

"Harry- what are we doing here?"

"This way."

Harry grasped his hand and led him to a rusty iron door. Draco's stomach was tightening into knots, but Harry seemed confident- even a little cheerful.

He opened the door and it creaked loudly. Draco felt a chill run down his spine.

It revealed a bright and cozy room, with candlelight dancing merrily around them. The walls were decorated with tiny light bulbs that were held on strings, glowing. In the center of the little space was a posh dinner table for two, a vase of fresh roses on top.

Draco stared at the sight before him.

"What's this?"

Harry wrapped his arms around him. "I knew you loved this muggle restaurant, so I came under my Cloak to check it out one day. I found the alleyway and I asked the owner about it. Turns out, the door leads to the diner's spare room! I made a deal with the owner to use it tonight."

Draco chuckled in awe and kissed his boyfriend. "That is so thoughtful. I love it so much."

"And, I know how much you resent muggle efficiency, so I told them to have the meals premade!"

Draco enveloped him into a tight hug. "Thank you. It's so beautiful."

He heard Harry chuckle softly against his chest.

"We weren't able to go outside freely because of me. So... I thought of this." Harry stood on his tiptoes to capture a forehead kiss. "Happy one month, Draco."

It dawned on him. It was indeed their one-month anniversary together and he simply melted into Harry's arms. He kissed Harry's cheekbone, then his nose, his forehead, his eyebrow until Harry caved completely and grabbed a fistful of his shirt to kiss him properly.

"Mmm," he said when they broke apart after some time.

Harry pecked him one last time and led him to the circular table.

A waiter appeared from the doorway adjoined to the restaurant. "Wine, monsieur?"

"Oui," Draco replied politely and the waiter poured two glasses and headed out.

They toasted and sipped, locking eyes.

"It's sexy when you speak French," Harry observed slyly.

"Oh? Well, in that case, I'd better go learn some more phrases other than... oui, non," he enunciated purposedly on the French phrases, looking directly into Harry's eye, "Mademoiselle... and monsieur."

Apparently, that did it for Harry. He felt a pair of lips press onto his own, biting and ohhh, sucking occasionally. Harry's tongue prowled at his bottom lip and he obliged, parting his mouth halfway to allow entrance. It was wet and hot and passionate and he couldn't get enough and-

Someone cleared their throat loudly.

"Entrées, messieurs."

They both sat back down into their seats, cheeks flaming red.

The waiter glided about in an airy manner, laying plates of food before them as if he had not just walked in on them in the middle of an incredibly hot make-out session.

"Bon appétit." He bowed and disappeared behind the door.

They were silent for a good moment, staring at their appetizers.

Draco looked up and found Harry looking at him, too.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Shall we resume?"

Draco didn't hesitate to pounce.

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