Chapter 44

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Snow was falling gently outside and the glass of Harry's windows was foggy and frosty. He was sitting comfortably on his couch with Harry curled on his lap, the flames dancing in front of them in his fireplace.

They were wearing identical jumpers with a big H on them that apparently Harry had a lot. It was hideous, yes, but it smelled like Harry. Draco's insides curled at the thought.

"So, Draco..." Harry started, looking up at him from his lap.

"Hmmm?" he asked absentmindedly, with a mouthful of Cadbury Chocolate.

"Are you visiting your mum during Christmas break?"

Draco swallowed his giant bite of chocolate. "No, I don't think so. Mother's in Australia, she loves the weather there this time of the year." He bit into his chocolate bar. "She's mental, it's hot as hell but she likes it anyway."

Harry laughed. "Well, in that case..." Harry chewed on his lip, apparently thinking about something.


"Do you want to go to The Burrow with me? Christmas day and New Year's Eve."

"The Burrow?"

"The Weasleys'."

It was Draco's turn to chew on his lip. "Who'd be there?"

Harry stiffened a little. "Er- I think it's the whole lot this year," he said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy and Audrey, George and Angelina, Ron and 'Mione, and Ginny. Oh, and little Victoire." Harry counted off his fingers. "Teddy's staying with Meda this time."

Draco chewed on the inside of his cheek. It wasn't that he didn't want to meet them, Harry's his boyfriend, of course he would want to meet his family... it just seemed a bit much for Draco. His fingers ran absentmindedly over his left forearm. What if they didn't want to see him? Draco shuddered a little thinking about their losses... he knew everyone was a victim of the war, he believed his own innocence, but seeing them... might just change everything.

"Hey," Harry said softly. He rubbed his hips gently. "It's okay if you don't want to go. I'll just owl Mrs. Weasley and spend Christmas with you." Harry smiled and booped him on the nose.

Draco smiled back despite himself. It was one of Harry's superpowers. "I'm not sure..." Draco looked down, picking at his chocolate bar. "What if they hate me?"

"They won't. They know you're innocent, and you're charming." Harry chuckled and squeezed Draco's hands. He squeezed back.

"Hard to argue with the charming part," Draco mused.

"Ron and 'Mione's there, you guys already get along. Ginny loves you by the way, even though she hasn't seen you since she left."

"Tonks doesn't seem so happy about that though."

Harry laughed. "Yeah... once she almost wasn't able to fly because I tied a foot-long letter to her. Bit my finger every day for a week."

Draco fell silent again, taking another bite off the chocolate bar. "I'll go."

Harry's smile widened and he sat up. "Really?"

Draco kissed him on the forehead. "Really. You're my boyfriend, I want to get to know your family."

"Aw, you're the best!" Harry threw his arms around him and kissed his chin.

"Already a known fact, but I'll take it."

Harry threw a pillow at his face, muffling his protests.

Draco pulled it off. "Oh, you're on."

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