Chapter 18

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Harry felt... good.

He actually felt good.

He supposed that he passed out. How could someone feel good after waking up from a black-out?

His clothes were crisp and fresh. He was tired, but he almost felt as if he were brand-new. And his hair... hell, his hair didn't even feel this clean and tidy even when he was conscious.

He realized with a start that he was in a sea of silky smooth.

A shock of platinum blonde. The image flashed before his eyes.

That could only mean...

His eyes fluttered open to a pool of semi-darkness. He was suddenly aware of a weight on his stomach.


The weight was instantly lifted with a sharp creak of a chair he detected that was beside him.

Harry sat up quickly.

"Sorry, um, I didn't mean to wake you."

He heard a series of fumbling. "Lumos." A gleam of light appeared and Draco's face shone before him. Though extremely blurry due to the lack of his glasses, he can still make out Draco's face. His hair was messy and he looked tired. "No... it's okay, Potter," he muttered sleepily. "Sorry for falling asleep on you."

"What time is it?" He immediately felt stupid after asking it, but he genuinely wanted to know.

Draco shone his wand on his watch. "About one. Get some rest, Potter, you need it."

Harry watched as Draco magicked the chair he was in into a small twin-sized bed. He pushed the bed closer to the window so there would be a gap between them.

"You're... you're not going back to your room?"

"No, Potter, I prefer to be here in case you get a full-on panic attack again."

"I had a panic attack?"

It was dark with only the light cast by Draco's wand, but he can see his weirded-out expression.

"Yes. We'll talk in the morning." He said curtly. He swiftly climbed into the tiny bed and rolled over.

"You- you don't have to, you know," Harry said quietly.

Draco's voice was half-muffled by his pillow. "Shut up, Potter. Go to sleep."



Draco bolted upright and nearly fell off his chair. He had fallen asleep with his head on Harry's stomach.

He heard Harry stir. "Sorry, um, I didn't mean to wake you,"

He was tired, but he also felt relieved that Harry had woken up and seemed in an okay condition.

"Lumos." A ball of light appeared and he examined Harry's face. He looked a bit weary, but overall, he appeared fine. He just needed some more rest to recover. "No... it's okay, Potter," he said quietly. "Sorry for falling asleep on you."

"What time is it?"

Sleepily, he shifted his wand to point at his wrist. "About one. Get some rest, Potter, you need it."

He was happy that Harry was recovering but still felt cautious nevertheless. He decided to remain beside him just in case.

Tiredly, he muttered an incantation and he transformed the chair into a small bed. The two beds were pressed tightly together. Despite what he wanted, he thought Harry would be uncomfortable if they were practically sleeping in the same bed. He grudgingly pushed the bed towards the window to allow a gap.

"You're... you're not going back to your room?"

He felt a little caught off-guard but remained his composure. "No, Potter, I prefer to be here in case you get a full-on panic attack again," he put simply.

"I had a panic attack?"

That was certainly weird. He must be new to them. He sighed. Panic attacks are usually worse for those who don't know about them.

"Yes. We'll talk in the morning." If he were Harry, he would have so many questions. Hell, he had a lot of questions, but he knew for a fact that they were both tired, so he didn't want to further the conversation. Harry needed the rest. He promptly climbed into bed and rolled to his side.

"You- you don't have to, you know," he heard Harry say, a little tentatively.

"Shut up, Potter. Go to sleep."

He realized with a start this was the first time, ever, in his life of twenty years, that he willingly skipped his nightly care routine.

Draco huffed silently.

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