Chapter 67

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The five of them were silent.

Then a silver fox interrupted them.

It spoke in Head Auror Robards' voice. "Lucius Malfoy had broken out of Azkaban an hour to midnight. Come quick."

Quant eyed the unconscious and rigid Death Eater. "Found him," he shrugged.

Travailler sent his Manx cat and repeated Quant's exact words.

"Potter, you alright?" Travailler grasped his shoulder firmly the second the cat was gone.

"Er- yes, sir," Harry choked, startled by the sudden ferventness in his voice.

"Good." He seemed genuinely relieved.

Bayard tugged the wand out of Lucius' hand and stowed it in his Auror robes. "Must be stolen. Don't know from whom, but we better preserve the evidence."

The Aurors bound ropes around him (just in case) and they apparated back to the Ministry.

The Head Auror and a guard were waiting for them. "Interrogate. Now. I called in Meena for the Veritaserum, she's preparing it already."

The guard took over Lucius Malfoy and marched him away.

"Come, Potter," Travailler said sternly to him.

"Where are you taking him?" Bayard asked.

"To heal and clean up, Ethan, he's got cuts all over his body! Surely I can let my trainee rest before he's shunned in interrogation with Lucius Malfoy?"

Bayard pursed his lips. "Very well. Which room, Gawain?"

"The first interrogation room is already set up. Liam, you take Potter up to headquarters. I'll come to fetch you when we're ready. Ethan, Calynn, Alexander, come with me. I need full details."

Harry was promptly dragged by the arm by his trainer to the lift.

They rode the lift in silence. The second floor was pitch-black, the only light generated by the Auror's Office which they were previously in.

Travailler took him to training room W and ordered him to sit down on one of the couches. He gathered vials and bottles from the medicine cabinet and it was only then when Harry realized he was aching all over.

"Drink this." Travailler handed him a cup of herbal tea dosed with a teaspoon of Blood-Replenishing potion.

He dutifully drank and felt better instantly, while Travailler cast healing charms all over him. He vanished his left shirt sleeve and dribbled dittany over the visible scar.

"Thank you, Auror Travailler."

"No, Potter, don't. I'm so sorry," Travailler said heavily.


"I knew you could handle dangerous cases, but I still shouldn't have let you gone. Lucius Malfoy could've killed you. You're not even Auror yet, I should've known better."

Harry was dumbstruck. Travailler couldn't possibly be blaming himself for this?

"No, Auror Travai-"

"Look, Potter. This incident wouldn't stop me from taking you along to more exciting or dangerous missions if that's what you're thinking. But Bayard was right, this one was over the line. The subject was still unidentified and his tactics were fishy. Turns out, he wanted us to take you along and have you alone."

Harry couldn't speak. He felt too many things at once. He felt touched that Travailler believed in him so much, he was also desperate to let him know it wasn't his fault.

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