Chapter 57

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They were both under the covers of Harry's bedroom, sitting up against Harry's headboard. Harry had his head on Draco's shoulder, reading some review tips of transfiguration while Draco played with his hair.

"So, afternoon tea and dinner with Mother went quite well, yeah?"

"Mmhmm," Harry replied softly.

"What did she tell you when you were alone in there with her?"

Harry's eyes stopped scanning his own notes for a moment. Draco was now lightly tugging on a loose curl of his hair.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, love."

Harry put away his notes and turned to face Draco. "You said I would know what you thought to get in the Room of Requirement on the day of the war. Soon. Well... can you tell me now?"

Draco's eyes flitted downward, then back to Harry. "I knew my mother would talk to you about that," he chuckled softly. "Yes, I'll tell you now."

He shifted in Harry's bed and held his hand. "Before I tell you, I want you to know that Crabbe and Goyle found me and tagged along. I didn't want them to."

Harry nodded.

Draco drew a deep breath. "I told the Room of Requirement- I want to help Harry Potter."

Everything fell into place. The one thing Harry didn't try... the one thing Harry didn't think about when he wanted to spy on Draco... If he knew what Draco was doing, if he knew how much strain he was under, he would be able to open the door when Draco was in it, too... I want to help Draco Malfoy.

Harry kissed him. He kissed him like he never had before, full of love, passion, want... Harry's hands roamed Draco's back, feeling him, pulling him in... Draco's fingers dug into his shirt, into his skin, he shifted and started kissing his ear shell, nibbling on his earlobe and a moan escaped Harry's lips.

Draco tugged on his shirt as he continued to work his mouth down Harry's shoulder.

"This okay?"

"Mmm, yes, Merlin yes," Harry whispered.

His shirt was pulled over his head, revealing his own bare chest. Harry unbuttoned Draco's pajama shirt, fumbling a bit but finally pulling it off. His eyes raked over Draco's upper body, taking in the pale, thin scars.

Harry kissed over the lines, eliciting soft moans from Draco. He lifted his gaze and started kissing down Draco's neck. He kissed the side, working his way toward his jaw. Harry reached the soft skin where his chin and neck connected. He registered an earthly and flowery scent and suddenly gasped.

Draco pulled back quickly. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you, love?"

Harry didn't reply. He kissed the sensitive skin again and shivered. He remembered... the scent he thought that came from Ginny or The Burrow in the Amorntentia brew... it was Draco all along...

"No," Harry breathed. "I love you so much."

Draco visibly relaxed and they kissed again. Harry pressed his body closer to Draco, their chests flush against each others'. Draco kissed down his neck, leaving love bites along the way, letting Harry shiver helplessly underneath him. He reached his nipple and nibbled playfully. Harry inhaled sharply and Draco chuckled against his skin.

Draco continued to leave wet kisses down Harry's abdomen, his teeth nipped at the waistband of Harry's pajama bottoms.

"Is this okay?"

Harry nodded fervently; his breath already too ragged to reply coherently.

Draco shed his own trousers first, before tending to Harry's. Harry took in Draco's torso, his almost-naked body. "You're so beautiful."

Harry kissed him.

"Dra- Draco," he breathed, kissing down his biceps, "I've- I've never-"

"Shh, it's okay," Draco soothed. "We can stop if you want." He nudged his nose with his and smiled.

"N- No," Harry whispered, "I want to."

"You sure?"

"Yes." Harry kissed him properly on the lips, feeling Draco's hot breath against his mouth.

Draco flipped him onto his back, straddling his lap. He kissed his chest, kissing the oval scar, all the while with his hands rubbing smoothly on his rib cage.

"Merlin, I love you so much."

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