Chapter 10

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Harry wanted to apparate straight home but there were too many muggles around. He trusted his de javu to take him back to his house as he paced down the busy streets with shoulders hunched. The semi-familiar streets gradually transformed into those which Harry recognized as he brushed past the crowds of muggles and occasionally a wizard. Finally, he was home.

As much as he dreaded facing the awkward conversation with his wife, he needed to leave the Malfoy household fast if he wanted to keep his mind straight. Literally. He opened the door to the familiar surroundings and relief flooded him. There indeed wasn't any other place like home.

Ginny, lounging on the couch reading the Daily Prophet, looked up from the paper as he entered. She smiled broadly at him and rushed to give him a hug.

"Hey, you."

"Hey, you."

They embraced for a moment until his wife pulled away and led Harry to the couch.

"Did you stay at Ron's last night?"

"Um... yeah," Harry said, as he plopped down next to Ginny. He didn't know how to explain his living arrangements the night before. He felt quite uneasy lying to his wife and fidgeted with the hem of his clothes.

"Why didn't you use floo travel?"

Harry stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh, um, I- I wanted some fresh air." Which was half-true.

"Oh, alright." Ginny beamed and put an arm around Harry and pulled him closer to her. "Did you find out anything last night?"

Harry's heart lurched a little at the question even though he knew that was not what his wife meant. But still. The lurch signaled him about something. He shuddered.

He held the hand on his shoulder and sighed. "Yeah, you were right. And turns out, it's not only you that's observant." He laughed a little.

"Oh, love." Ginny pulled him into another hug.

"I love you,"

"Love you too,"

It had gone considerably well. After all, his wife kind of was the one that pulled him out of the closet.

His wife was still smiling. She was definitely pleased about something.

"Someone's in a good mood," he said, jabbing playfully at his wife's ribs.

Ginny blushed a little, shoving Harry's arm. "It's nothing."

"Come on, what is it?"

Ginny smiled. A genuinely happy smile, but with hints of sadness. "Remember the trial a couple months ago?"

Harry most definitely couldn't forget that. During that whole month, Ginny always came home late and worn out to her bones. Harry remembered consoling her during his emotional breakdowns and taking care of her during the physical torture. He felt like the proudest husband on earth when she pulled through the difficult period, still strong and courageous.

"Yes..." He gazed into her eyes, hopeful.

"Well..." He could sense that Ginny was on the verge to scream.

"You did!"

"Yes, I did!! I got in!" She squealed with delight and wrapped his arms around Harry in the tightest hug.

"Merlin! Congratulations!" Harry was about to suffocate so Ginny pulled back. "Why didn't you owl me yesterday? I would've come home," Harry whined, giving his wife a little pout.

"Aw, love, I didn't want to disturb you! Plus, you would've come home to a very noisy house, to say the least."

Harry laughed. He knew how excited Ginny must've been- and Teddy probably got in on the act, too.

"I can't believe you're going to be playing on the National quidditch team! I'm so happy for you!" He gave a tiny peck on her cheek but her face fell.

"There's... there's just one thing."

I can't be gay again, Harry thought.

"I would be touring with the team... around the world."

"Oh." Harry didn't think of that. "Are... are you...?"

"Yes, Harry." She sighed. "I would be moving out within a week."

Ginny rested her head on his shoulder and they cuddled for the rest of the morning. 

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