Chapter 33

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He had to review advanced transfiguration the next day, and he wasn't so lucky this time. When Travailler finally let him go, he nearly cried out of relief. He appeared in front of Draco's mansion exactly one second late, barely catching his breath. Harry made a mental note to visit professor McGonagall for practice. He knocked.

Draco opened the door. "Tough day at Auror training?" he asked, eyeing Harry's Auror robes.

"Yeah- sorry," he managed to wheeze out. "'Tis for you."

He handed him a large shopping bag as he doubled over, panting. Draco took it and quickly led him inside. He summoned a cup of tea and Harry drained it in one gulp.

"What's this?" Draco asked.

"Passion fruit."

"Passion fruit? Huh." Draco held up the bag, clearly intrigued, examining its contents. "Who would've thought passion fruit's purple on the outside?" he chuckled and set it aside.

"I know it's weird looking but I swear it's good, even when it's not salad dressing."

"And I trust you, Harry." He held up the bag in salute. "Thanks."

Harry blushed as Draco smiled. He felt fuzzy and light-headed.

He followed him into his dining room. It was different from what he remembered, there were candles lit and flickering merrily, a vase of flowers was elegantly placed in the middle, a tablecloth was draped over the table. It looked cozy and warm. Harry's heart melted instantly.

"Draco... this- this is so sweet!"

Draco's cheeks colored immediately and his head drooped a little. "It's- it's nothing," he stammered, which made Harry fall for him more.

He slid over to where Draco was standing and gave him a tentative peck on the cheek. His blush traveled steadily to his neck and ears and Harry chuckled. "I love it," he said.

Harry could see from the small opening of Draco's shirt's collar that the blush had reached his chest. His own cheeks were tinted pink, too. "Well... it is our first date, isn't it? I want it to be special," Draco said shyly.

It was Harry's blush's turn to travel. "Yes... I- I suppose so," he replied and beamed at him.

They sat side by side since the circular table was massive. If they sat face to face, they would be a good ten feet apart.

Draco summoned the appetizers and a bottle of wine. He poured two glasses. "To... us," Draco decided.

"To us," Harry agreed with a smile and they clinked glasses.

They dug in and ate on happily, chattering naturally. To Harry, it felt like the most normal thing in the world. It felt right.

The food was absolutely delicious. Apparently, Draco had been prowling muggle restaurants for a while and discovered plenty of treasures.

"My father always forbade me to go near anything related to muggles," he said. "And I totally regret that. Who knew muggles could be so good with their food? Although, they really could use some help speeding up the process a bit," he added with a chuckle. "It takes forever for them to just bring out an entrée."

Harry laughed along with him. "Did you try any muggle sweets?"

"Oh yes, definitely," he said between bites of filet mignon.

"Yeah? What's your favorite?"

"Cadbury," he said firmly. "Seriously. I was so mad after I bit into my first bar. I can't believe I missed out on so much stuff for eighteen years!"

"Ah, Cadbury..." Harry said dreamily. "I haven't eaten it for a long time. It really is good."

"I remember thinking Honeydukes had met its match," Draco chuckled.

They focused on their food once more, savoring the tender juices of the dish.

"The owl you sent yesterday, was that your owl?" Harry asked, after devouring half of his steak.

"Of course. Speedy and elegant."

"Why haven't I seen him before in your house?"

"Oh, he likes to hunt. When he's not working on my orders, he will fly out the window. Sometimes for days. But he always returns before I want to send out something."

"What's his name?"

A deep blush spread across Draco's face.

"What?" Harry prompted, puzzled.

"Scarface," Draco murmured very quietly after a long time.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Harry exclaimed, poking at his ribs, which made Draco flush a deeper red.

"He had a streak of white on his forehead," he mumbled, still blushing under Harry's touch.

"I've got to take a closer look next time," Harry said, smiling widely as he took away his hand and resumed consuming his meal.

"Never thought I'd have to tell you that when I named him,"

"Well, I'm glad how things turned out."

Draco smiled. "Me too, Harry."


Harry zipped up his coat, feeling warm and snuggle-ish. He looked up at Draco and he was blushing, too.

"So..." Harry started. "Are- are you up for another dinner date? Friday night?"

Draco pouted, just a tiny bit. It was ridiculously cute to Harry.

"Why not tomorrow?" he asked, absentmindedly playing with the rim of Harry's coat.

"I have drink's night with Ron and Hermione."

"Oh. Well, in that case-"

Draco swooped down to give Harry a kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling both of them closer. Draco nibbled on his bottom lip playfully, with a hint of a smile playing around his lips. After a few seconds, Harry caved and he let Draco explore him.

A full minute later, they finally broke apart, breathing heavily, with Draco's arms still around his waist.

Harry played with a loose strand of Draco's hair. "What was that for?" he asked. He grinned just a little. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I'm giving you something to kiss and tell," Draco whispered in his ear. His warm breath made him close his eyes contentedly.


Harry laid his head on Draco's chest, listening to his heartbeat. They stood there, embracing for a moment until Draco spoke again.

"So? Did you have a change of heart?"

Harry could hear his implied smirk and he smiled.


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