321 - 350

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Chapter 321 - The First Roadblock

While rushing to Beast Battle City, Shao Xuan listened to the story told by the slave.

The slave wasn't sure about the details, given that during the brawl, slaves naturally protected their masters without caring for others. They also wouldn't bother paying attention to Lei and Tuo.

When Shao Xuan reached Beast Battle City, Su Gu's face was filled with anger, it was obvious he was in a bad mood.

Shao Xuan looked around but he couldn't see the lizard that was brought out this morning. He connected the dots and realised that Gu Su has lost the beast in the match.

When Su Gu saw Shao Xuan, his sour expression softened, he had always treated Shao Xuan in a polite manner.

"I don't know where they went, I sent people to look for them but they couldn't find them," said Su Gu. He didn't feel like mentioning the fact that he lost the battle.

After the battle, there was a dispute that broke out in the crowd, which turned into a chaotic mess. When it ended, the masters brought their slaves and left while Su Gu couldn't find Lei and Tuo.

In this area dominated by slave masters, it would greatly disadvantage the tribesmen if they mingled about. Disappearing without a trace was highly probable so on the first day they reached Beast Battle City, Su Gu had warned the trio about this. They had been very cautious too so no one had expected this to happen. 

At first, Su Gu thought that maybe Lei and Tuo returned home or went to the other parts of the city to run some errands because Su Gu had the impression that tribesmen preferred to do things mysteriously. However, judging from Shao Xuan's reaction, he knew, these two scenarios were highly unlikely.

After listening to Su Gu, Shao Xuan said, "I didn't ask them to do anything and I'm sure they wouldn't run away, something must have happened to them or they must have seen something."

"Where was the last place you saw them?" Shao Xuan asked.

The ground nearby showed signs of a recent scuffle. The footprints were messier, showing traces of the kicks and tramples of many humans and beasts.

"There weren't far from me, but during the fight, they were pushed away by the crowd," Su Gu's facial expression changed as he recalled in detail about the fight. He was mindlessly angry before, but as he had calmed down, the more he thought the more it didn't seem right, he then looked to Shao Xuan and asked, "What do you think?"

Shao Xuan shook his head, "It's only speculation at this point."

With the fact that he lost two of them and he didn't notice the abnormality of the situation, Su Gu felt ashamed. He also felt guilty towards his partner, Shao Xuan, "I'll send people to look for them again."

"If there are any tamed beasts that are sensitive to smell, bring some of them over, the search will be easier with their help," said Shao Xuan.

After listening to Shao Xuan, Su Gu understood what he needed to do and instructed Wu Shi to bring back beasts that fit the requirements.

Wu Shi did not say much and hurried back to bring two wolf-like beasts. This type of beast isn't a good fighter compared to others, so it does not enter the beast fighting pits a lot, it is mostly used to find slaves and fighting beasts that ran away or hunt for food.

Shao Xuan hurried over and brought Lei and Tuo's shirts for them to sniff.

The two beasts took a sniff at the shirts then sniffed at the surroundings and ran towards a direction.

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