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 Chapter 411 - Two Suns

In the end, Shao Xuan turned around and came back to help Gongjia Heng with some of the bags. This way, they could both leave the monkeys' territory as soon as possible.

The monkeys here were not friendly. Although they were not large, they were difficult to shake off. They ate human brains too, he found several dead people in this area with their skulls cracked open.

And anyone who could reach this place was no weakling.

That was why fighting the monkeys with brute force was a no-go, you would only suffer huge losses. Running away as soon as you can was the best solution. Since they were both together, it was best they helped each other.

In the beginning, Heng thought that Shao Xuan, as a young man here for the first time, would have a hard time being here. He thought he would need to save Shao Xuan, that way he could get back some of his dignity and even scold the kid. However, everything was in reverse now.

That was why as they both ran, Heng's expressions were very forced. He didn't know what to say. When he thought about the excuse he used to tag along, his face reddened. All he could do was stammer a word of thanks.

They heard the disgruntled monkey's screeches and tree branches snapping behind them. The monkeys were angry they did not catch a single human. They didn't even get to touch the humans!

After leaving the monkey territory, both hurried along their journey. Here, Shao Xuan did not have to look- Gongjia Heng led the way since he had been here many times.

There were a few streams around them similar to the one at the Flaming Horn's hunting grounds. During the dry season, the riverbed could be seen too. Not sure where these streams were from or where they led to.

There were smaller crocodiles and other aquatic animals here. It was not the dry season yet so they could often hear noises made by the animals in and around the river.

A python was taking a lazy stroll amongst the riverside bushes. It did not care for the animals here because it was full. When Shao Xuan passed it, he saw a huge, expanded section on its body. Based on its shape, the python had just swallowed a crocodile.

In the beginning, Gongjia Heng had already told Shao Xuan what he should be aware of. That was why Shao Xuan safely avoided all the hiding predators without needing Heng's reminders.

Shao Xuan was a model student. He did not look like a first-timer at all. Heng hadn't even gotten a chance to teach Shao Xuan something, he realised how useless the excuse he used to tag along was. Secretly, he was frustrated. All he could do was heave a sigh. The tribesmen who lived in the forest were, after all, adapted to move in a forest.

Two days after they left.

"At this speed, we will arrive at the resting spot before dark," said Heng.

Since he came often, there were several designated spots for him to rest. The first time he came looking for Gongjia Mountain, he had discovered a cave in a mountain that was suitable as a resting spot. At the time, there were many insects and snakes inside so he had to use some medicine as a pesticide. After that, every time he left he would put some medicine in there to prevent pests from building their nest inside while he was gone.

Before sunset, they both arrived at the mountain. The face was steep, with all kinds of wet moss on its walls. While it was slippery, it wasn't a problem for both of them.

"We're here!" Gongjia Heng looked around the boulder blocking the mouth of the cave. There were still traces of green powder. That was the pesticide he used, they hadn't completely disappeared yet. This meant there shouldn't be any pests inside.

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