731 - 760

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Chapter 731 SettingsNew Metal Wares

There were no new green bronze tools in the newly built forging room, just regular bronze wares.

Since the previous incident, Shao Xuan and the rest of the blacksmiths investigated the reason for the explosion to find that the crystal heart had such a huge reaction due to the new green bronze.

Both materials did not react under regular conditions but tools that contained the green-faced fanged beast blood would cause a huge explosion. The key ingredient was the blood in the green bronze and since these tools were scattered everywhere in the room, the reaction made sense.

Since they could not add beast blood into the weapon when forged using crystal core, the Flaming Horns were worried that the final product would not be as good. To them, green-faced fanged beast blood was essential.

Shao Xuan did not think so. Perhaps it would not be as good but the difference would not be huge.

The discovery of a new material was always exciting news. Although it was disappointing that they could not add the blood in, they were still eager to see the new material.

Most of the workers who were not severely injured from the accident recovered in a few days. Being totemic warriors, they had fast regenerative abilities and could return to the forging room to study the crystal core with Shao Xuan, making tools out of it.

They tried manipulating the size of the fire, changed different types of charcoal etc during their experiments. Although it was troublesome, everyone grew more curious about this material. The crystal core even glowed extraordinarily brightly during the forging process, something they had never encountered before.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of forging tools could constantly be heard.

These were the only sounds heard outside the forging room. While the guards were not sure what went on inside, they knew that this new thing was quite different. The clangs from the hammering differed from the usual and lasted longer.

Every time the material was hammered, the clangs echoed in the medium-sized room, sparks flying in all directions like fireworks in the night sky.

Hot air burned their lungs with every breath but the blacksmiths were already used to conditions like these. Even bystanders would find their clothes drenched in sweat, let alone the blacksmith.

At the moment, the person hammering was Shao Xuan. The crystal core piece was so red it might burst into flames in a second. It changed with every hammer, now much smaller than when they first began.

The hammer was also made from the crystal core, now used to hammer this glowing red material.

Metal tongs held the crystal core to prevent it from flying off during the hammering. It would definitely cook anything it landed on.

Everyone watched with twitching faces as the hammer fell, sparks flying incessantly as if the piece would shatter and explode again. Their hearts shuddered with every clang from the metal.

Hammering was a delicate job, one had to consider the hammering strength, angle and position every time. It was not just blind hitting.

Shao Xuan stared at it.

How long had he been hammering?

Every day felt like a hundred years to him.

He had hammered this piece countless times. While it did not look like much, it did feel sharp.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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