701 - 730

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Chapter 701 SettingsDon't You Even Think About It!

The grass rope in Shao Xuan's hands quickly knotted together.

Duo Kang and Guang Yi looked nervously at Shao Xuan, waiting for an answer.

Shao Xuan interpreted the ropes and relaxed. "Two days later should be a good day to leave."

Shao Xuan interpreted the knots formed from his rope divination. Two days later was a good day to leave.

Winter was coming to an end. They couldn't wait till winter was over to leave. If they did, many of the beasts in hibernation would have woken up. These beasts were a lot faster than them, so it was better for them to leave earlier.

"I'll go inform the Longboat and Taihe tribe," Duo Kang jumped up excitedly from the beast hide he was laying on and rushed out the house. He went to look for the chief of the Longboat tribe, Mu Fa. After all, he had to convince them if they wanted to leave.

The Longboat tribe was skilled in telling the signs in the sky. Before, they were usually the ones who made the final decision on these matters, but now, all the Flaming Horns were more inclined towards Shao Xuan's suggestion, and even Mu You, who was skilled in telling the signs amongst the Longboat tribesmen, didn't complain after he heard Shao Xuan's decision, so they decided to follow as Shao Xuan proposed.

"Then it's set! We'll leave in two days. Spread the word so everyone knows!" Mu Fa was also eager to leave.

After Duo Kang informed Mu Fa, he went over to tell the Taihe tribe about their decision.

Suddenly, the camping ground was full of excitement. It was like a herd of animals waking up from hibernation, ready to move.

On the day of departure, the sky was initially dark and cloudy but it suddenly became sunny. Even though they couldn't see the moon at night and winter wasn't officially over, it was coming to an end. The weather was rarely so nice, so it made people feel as if winter had left early.

"Get the ships ready, we're departing!"

They broke the layer of ice on the coast so their ships wouldn't be hindered by the ice. Even if the ice was thick, the section farther away from the coast or near the crocodile river was not frozen, so it wasn't that big of a problem for them.

There were twenty-five ships, and each of these ships carried about a hundred Taihe tribesmen. Some ships had more people while others had fewer. There were five more ships, so they didn't have to squeeze. Besides the Taihe tribesmen, there were also other resources stored on the ships.

Amongst the twenty-five ships, these five looked very different compared to the other twenty. They were test-ships designed by Mu Fa and a few talented and skilled individuals from the Longboat tribe. These ships looked a lot sturdier and fancier than the others. They even had projection windows designed to station archers and spear throwers.

Mu Fa didn't spend too much time designing these five ships because they were merely made for testing. The wood used to make these ships didn't go through all of the processing and due to the time limitation, they couldn't do a perfect job on these ships.

Usually, they would sun-dry the wood or use a kiln to dry the wood before it was used, but there were no kilns here, so Mu Fa decided to use the smoke from firewood to dry it. This was a much simpler method, but because they were not familiar with the foreign wood in the beginning, they wasted quite a lot of wood. After they gained some experience however, this no longer happened. At most, the wood would appear darker. This was why these five ships seemed darker compared to the other twenty ships.

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