441 -450

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Chapter 441 - Tell Them To Get The Hell Out

THAT'S Lubi?

The city dwellers who came to watch the fight were astonished.

Even the guards at the Gongjia's gates were shocked.

The Linlu tribesmen fighting Black Bear and the rest were so scared their legs turned to jelly.

Initially, Luming had detected that something was off. However, he had to focus all his attention on Black Bear as they had to be careful with this man. That was why he could not see what happened to Lubi. However, he trusted that the plan would proceed as usual.

However, when they made the first impact, the sound was not what he imagined. Confusion flashed across his eyes but he did not think much of it. What happened next floored them.

If Lubi was not here, they might not have chosen Black Bear as an opponent. They believed that Lubi would settle the weakest guy quickly and then come to help them. However, Lubi was now the first on their team to go down. Their plan was ruined!

Didn't they agree to kill the guy with one swing? What happened?

He couldn't even settle the first guy, how was he going to help them with Black Bear?

As he was thinking, Luming was distracted from his own fight and was almost split in half by Black Bear's broad and heavy knife. He quickly blocked with his sword but the force that came with it almost broke his arms. It was a terrifying amount of strength. Black Bear was a machine, slashing his knife heavily. He was a threat.

This is it!

Although he blocked the blade, Luming still suffered a kick to the chest. He flew back and spat blood. There was no strength in his legs so he collapsed immediately.

On the other side, there was another 'thud'. Pebbles and soil fell like rain. Shao Xuan was holding the hammer, standing in the shower of pebbles and staring at Lubi, who rolled away to dodge.

Lubi ignored the pains in his body, shock still in his eyes as he stared at the young man. This was the first target. And yet, here he was. He never thought his own hammer would be taken away from him. And his opponent wielded it... more effortlessly than he did!

Lubi's face twitched. The flying rubble had made many cuts on his face and his blood dripped unto the dust on the ground. His face was so dirty, he looked pathetic.

The rest were about to help Lubi but they were blocked off by Black Bear and the rest.

After seeing Luming kicked in the air, the rest of the Linlu tribesmen retreated immediately, grouping together with the injured Luming and Lubi. They had seen Lu family members around just now-- probably gone off to get reinforcements here. While they were embarrassed, they were also relieved. With reinforcements, Black Bear would not be able to do much.

Guang Yi stood next to Shao Xuan with his dented sword. He was very satisfied with Shao Xuan's performance. He was very happy, very proud. This is our Elder indeed! At least now the crowd knows what the consequences of offending the Flaming Horn are! Did they think we were pushovers?

When Black Bear saw that Shao Xuan was fine, he turned to look at the Linlu people.

Black Bear had already guessed what their strategy was. His rough face turned into a smirk as he looked at Luming and the rest. "How blind are you all, choosing to target this boy? A bunch of idiots!"

However, Shao Xuan had sort of helped Black Bear too. If it wasn't for Shao Xuan, if he were someone else, this could have ended differently. When he thought of how Linlu treated them, he was infuriated once again. You dare use me as your stepping stone?!

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