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Chapter 611 SettingsMonster

The Hui tribe was probably the place closest to the great mountain eagles. Nowhere else in the world, one could find so many of them in a place.

Shao Xuan's knowledge of the eagles was just limited to what he had heard from others and his experience raising Chacha but Chacha had a different childhood from them. Over here, he would be able to understand them a bit more.

Shao Xuan followed the shaman and chief back into the cave.

The cave was lit up by glowing gemstones and water moon stones, there was no need for torches.

Gu La explained why Shao Xuan was here and the two had the same reaction as him. They thought Shao Xuan was here to seek help, they didn't expect him to be passing out invitations.

"Before the winter season, our expedition team heard about the Flaming Horn boat and the trading point," recalled the chief.

They didn't think that the Flaming Horn tribe were doing well then, setting up a trading point was a rather easy task. Now they have reason to believe that this trading point was different from what they expected.

During that time, the Hui people had thought about visiting the Flaming Horn tribe to send some resources. They had just moved so the winter would be tough for them. However, their messenger met the boat from the Flaming Horn tribe which rejected their offer and even invited them to the trading point saying they were doing well and didn't need their help. They even gave the messenger a map.

As winter approached, the Hui tribe didn't head back.

"We were talking about Flaming Horn this morning. We wanted to send a team to follow the map you gave, who knew you would come here," said the shaman.

Shao Xuan scanned the room, other than the shaman and the chief, he knew a few others here but there were some he had never seen before. From the way they spoke and acted, they were probably highly ranked leaders here.

There was no way they expected his arrival here yet all of them were gathered in this meeting room here.

"What happened?" asked Shao Xuan.

The shaman didn't expect Shao Xuan to catch on so quickly. He turned to look at He She.

He She nodded and stayed behind to stop people from entering.

"Follow me."

The shaman brought Shao Xuan deep into the cave. There were smaller rooms throughout the place. Some were storage areas, others were meeting rooms. Many of the doors were wooden here unlike the stone door back in his tribe. Would normal people be able to push the stone doors open?

They stopped at one of the doors. The shaman untied the knot and pushed open the door.

Before the chief even opened the door, Shao Xuan had a weird feeling. There wasn't anyone inside but there was something like the fire seed. It felt foreign as if it was different from normal fire seeds. The fused fire seeds of the Drumming and Rain tribe didn't feel like this too.

The "Robbers" and the people from the other side of the sea had this aura.

Different tribes had different fire seeds, which radiated different auras. Some had a burning sensation like the Flaming Horn one while others gave a cooling sensation like the Rain or Drumming tribe fire seeds.

But this aura inside was different, it wasn't burning hot like Flaming Horn or as cool as the Rain tribe's. It felt darker and gloomier.

With a fire seed aura like that, Shao Xuan was sure he hadn't met any tribesmen like that. It was so cold and dark.

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