Chapter 2: Female Match

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[1] Hougong- Inner Palace
[2] Tongfang- Lowest rank of Concubine. Usually a former servant who was then 'graced' by the master.
[3] Shizi- Heir Apparent of a Qinwang (Prince of the First Rank)

 [3] Shizi- Heir Apparent of a Qinwang (Prince of the First Rank)

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Zhou Shunhua

Tang Shishi frowned. She looked at Zhou Shunhua's well-packed and unopened bag, and then at the book in her hand, and was confused.

The male servant moved her bag into the house and never came in again because Tang Shishi was packing her bag inside. Zhou Shunhua didn't want to be in the same room with her and has not returned to the room yet. Besides, Tang Shishi cherished her bag very much and marked the bag. If someone moved the bag, she would definitely find out.

It was impossible for anyone to change the book, so why does Zhou Shunhua's name appear in the book?

Tang Shishi gently turned to the first page with a strange feeling.

"Zhou Shunhua was the treasure in the palm of her parents. However, she was forced to enter the palace after the selection. She had no intention to fight for a favor, only wanted to live a good life, but was drawn into a dispute over and over again in the hougong[1]. She was repeatedly harmed by others and finally cannot bear it and rose to fight back. From being a tongfang [2] to Empress, from the hougong to the East Palace then to the Imperial Palace, she went through four dynasties and seven emperors, and became the most blessed Empress Dowager of the Great Yan Dynasty..."

Tang Shishi was confused after finishing reading the book. What kind of book is this, who made up this kind of ridiculous story, and even dared to talk about "The Most Blessed Empress Dowager"?

Not to mention to boost that this one's fortune is greater than that of Empress Dowager Yao. Zhou Shunhua was sent to the fief of Prince Jing and was conferred as Concubine Fei and became the Empress Dowager in the end? Who wrote this, and was there any common sense in it?

Tang Shishi endured the disgust and continued to flip the page. She thought it was nonsense at the beginning, but gradually, her face changed.

The beginning of the book was the palace selection. Everything was the same as Tang Shishi knew. In the second year of Shentai, some of the beautiful girls were left behind and then moved to the Chuxiu Palace for independent training. In the fifth year of Shentai, ten women headed by Tang Shishi were selected by Empress Dowager and sent to the fief of Prince Jing.

In addition to Zhou Shunhua's family background, the book also recorded the life experiences of several other beautiful girls, including Tang Shishi. Tang Shishi doesn't know the life experiences or past events of other girls, but her life experience and past events were exactly the same as those written in the book.

Was there such a coincidence in the world? Is this really a wordless heavenly book?

Tang Shishi knew that something was not quite right, and immediately flipped the page, but the content turned out to be blank. The timeline ended on the sixth day of June in the fifth year of Shentai, which was today.

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