Chapter 11: Study

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When Prince Jing came back, everyone did not dare to breathe. Even Zhao Zixun lowered his head and did not dare to straighten up. Tang Shishi secretly glanced at both sides, thinking that she should wait and not attract attention at a time like this.

Tang Shishi said gently, "Prince Jing, you have misunderstood. This little girl came to pay respect to you, if you have not returned, this little girl will be waiting here. I used to be alone, but I did not expect to meet Sister Zhou and Sister Ren here today. Shi Zi thought it was a coincidence, so he stopped and asked us a few questions."

Tang Shishi was trampling on Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun everywhere and she said it so obviously that the two of them knew that today Shizi would come to greet Wangye, and they pretended to come over to "encounter" with him. Ren Yujun's eyes widened as soon as she heard it. Zhou Shunhua did not hesitate and said, "These days we live in Liuyun courtyard and didn't leave the residence. How do we know what's going on outside? Since we are here to serve His Highness Prince Jing and we didn't do anything yet, Sister Ren and I felt guilty. We boldly came today to see if we could do something for the mansion. I stupidly waited at the residence, and naturally not as smart as Miss Tang, so only today did I think of sharing the worries for the mansion."

Tang Shishi insinuated that Zhou Shunhua had a bad intention, and Zhou Shunhua returned it intact. Zhou Shunhua came for a reason, but Tang Shishi did not?

Zhao Chengjun was originally questioning Zhao Zixun, but Zhao Zixun did not explain anything, but on the other hand, these women were vying to get ahead. Zhao Chengjun was no interested in their little acts, and he even felt that it was a mistake to stop and talk to Tang Shishi. Zhao Chengjun retracted his gaze and walked directly into the courtyard without saying a word.

When Zhao Zixun saw this, he did not dare to delay, so he hurried to keep up.

Tang Shishi was about to bicker with Zhou Shunhua, but before she could start, her target left. Tang Shishi was surprised for a moment, she promptly abandoned Zhou Shunhua and gladly and diligently followed Zhao Zixun inside.

The people of Yan'an courtyard were shocked to see that Tang Shishi walked in. Tang Shishi treated as if she was not aware of it and shamelessly followed Zhao Zixun into the room. Zhao Zixun glanced back in surprise. Tang Shishi had already found a place, standing at the corner, and stood up like a decoration.

Zhao Zixun did not even react to Tang Shishi's casual movement of setting herself up. He did not know whether to say that she was witty or not.

Since Zhao Chengjun had already taken the main seat, Zhao Zixun dared not delay and hurried in. Tang Shishi heard Prince Jing's voice from inside through a partition door said unhurriedly, "How is your schoolwork these few days?"

"Father, this son dares not slack off. This son wrote a discourse on polities yesterday..."

A golden dragon incense burner on the table slowly streamed out smoke, Zhao Zixun's voice was mixed with the fragrance and seemed to have become ethereal and low. Inadvertently, Zhou Shunhua and Ren Yujun were standing next to Tang Shishi. Ren Yujun ridiculed inaudibly, "Sister Tang's foresight is admirable."

The irony in Ren Yujun's meaning was very dense. Tang Shishi, as if she did not understand Ren Yujun's ridicule, accepted it with a smile, "Thank you for your compliment. You will always admire me in the future."

Inside the room, after Zhao Zixun finished his discourse in polities, Zhao Chengjun did not put too much thought into it and directly pointed out what Zhao Zixun had missed. Tang Shishi has not learned the eight-part theory and knew nothing about it. However, by just listening to Prince Jing's disclosure, he could feel that Zhao Chengjun's literary attainments were way above Zhao Zixun's.

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