8. Dancing By Myself (Seth Clearwater)

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(based on China Anne-McClain's song: 'Dancing By Myself')

   I glanced at the door again, looking for my 'best friend'. We were supposed to meet at the front doors of the dance, but after twenty minutes of waiting, I had given up and just headed inside where I was hoping I could forget about her. Unfortunately, my eyes kept slipping over to the doors.
   "Think she's gonna show?" Seth, a boy I knew from my English class, asked. We weren't great friends, but we got along and I was very grateful that he was willing to just chat with me while I stood in the corner, waiting.
   "Nope." I replied.
   It stung a little, but I wasn't as hurt as I thought I'd be. For some reason, part of me had expected this. We hadn't been as close lately as we had been in the past and she often ditched me or opted out of events I invited her to.
   'Well,' I thought to myself. 'She's going to be missing one great party. I might as well enjoy it, since I'm here.'
   The song swapped over and began playing 'Maps' by Maroon 5. I pushed my ex best friend to the back of my mind and turned to Seth.
   "I'm gonna go dance." I told him. "You coming?"
   "Nah. Hoping you'll find someone to dance with?" He teased.
   "If a guy gets up the courage to ask me to dance, there's no way I'd say no." I assured him.
   Then, walking over to the corner of the dance floor that no one was using, I began dancing by myself to the music. I didn't let myself worry about what other people thought of my odd solo dance; I was just here to have a good time! My spirits lifted slightly and I began smiling and singing along.
   The lights flickered across the dance floor, but the room was still pretty dark, due to them not giving off much light. I spun and whipped my arms around, moving my feet to the beat. When I glanced over at Seth, he was clapping and smiling widely at me. I waved for him to join me, but he shook his head and mouthed 'keep going'. I shrugged and continued.
   The song switched again, but I continued to dance. I didn't know the song, but the lyrics really called out to me as I listened for them.

"Dancing by myself
I don't need no help
Wishing you were here
To see me
Dancing by myself
Got nobody else
But I don't really care
And believe me
I just keep
By myself"

   My smile got even wider and I danced wildly and happily. I made a mental reminder to add the song to my collection when I got home, but for now? I was just going to party on my own and have a good time.
   The song ended a minute later and I spun to gesture for Seth to join me again, but he was already walking my way. An older song that I loved called 'Love of My Life' by the Everly Brothers began and I couldn't help but laugh a little. I absolutely loved it, but it was definitely old school!
   "It looks like you're having a pretty good time alone out here, but would you mind if I joined you?" He asked. I shook my head.
   "Not in the least. I'll admit, though, dancing solo is pretty darn fun." I answered happily.
   He grinned. "It looks like it."
   I listened to the beat of the song for a moment before meeting Seth's gaze again.
   "Do you know how to slow dance?" I asked.
   "No. But I'll try, if you're game." He admitted.
   "Let's give it a whirl."
   We tried to slow dance, messing up the steps and laughing at ourselves throughout the song. We even attempted some fancy moves, like twirling and cha-cha-ing slowly. It was fun and enjoyable, instead of the awkward-ness that most people expected and feared.
   Once the song ended, 'Into the Groove' by Madonna came on and I began my crazy dancing again. Seth also stayed out and dancing near me, though less crazily, which I was slightly surprised at. It made my night, though, and I was starting to consider him a real friend. I also came to a strange decision: best friends were highly overrated and classmates were somewhat underrated.
   When the song changed once again, I laughed out loud. "It's always a 'Good Time'!"

(Published August 28, 2021)

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