21. Can't Keep A Secret (Mike Newton)

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(Published July 2, 2023) 

   Mike had been trying to chase me down all day. He had been calling my name in the hallways, trying to catch me after class, and had even skipped lunch to look for me when I wasn't in the cafeteria. I felt terrible about avoiding him, but if there was one thing I couldn't do, it was keep a secret. The moment he starting asking me questions, I knew he'd figure it all out and the surprise would be ruined. So, I ran away, hid, and did my very best to avoid him.
   I should've known he'd catch up with me sooner or later, though. I had a meeting with my tutor after school had ended in the science classroom that lasted longer than we had thought it would. By the time we finished up, the hallways were empty. We were both on our way to the main doors, which where the only ones unlocked at the moment, when I saw him. He was leaned up against some lockers with his arms crossed. He looked very upset, and I knew I couldn't escape him this time.
   "See you tomorrow." My tutor murmured, picking up his pace as he headed towards the doors. He probably thought that Mike was my jealous boyfriend who was ready to kick his butt. I sincerely hoped that this was far from true, but couldn't quite be one hundred percent sure of it.
   "Hi Mike." I waved, continuing on my way out of the school.
   He wasn't about to let me get away again, though. He grabbed his bag and easily caught up to me, matching my pace.
   "What the heck, Ashley? I've been trying to talk to you all day and you've been avoiding me! Did I do something wrong? Are you okay? I don't like being ignored, especially by my girlfriend. I really needed to talk to you today. What's going on?"
   "Nothing." I shrugged, knowing that he wouldn't go for it.
   "Bull crap. You can talk to me, Ash, please."
   We were outside now, and I sat down on the school steps, dropping my head into my hands.
   "No, I can't!" I sighed. "It's a secret!"
   He sat beside me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him frowning. "Who would tell you a secret?"
   I couldn't help it; I burst out laughing. "Wow, thanks, Mike!"
   "Sorry." He grinned sheepishly, realizing how bad that had sounded. "But seriously, you've got to tell me. I can't keep being ignored like this."
   "I'm not ignoring you, I'm avoiding you because I suck at keeping secrets." I stated.
   "Well, you'll tell me eventually, then." He tried to block my playful punch aimed at his shoulder with a chuckle. "Anyway, I have big news. My dad borrowed a camper and has invited you to come camping with us. We leave Friday night. It'll be a blast. You'll come, right?"
   "Friday?" My head snapped up and I looked at him with terrified eyes.
   "What? What's wrong? Does that not work? What is it?" He demanded, his eyes growing wide at my reaction.
   "Friday is the party!" I exclaimed. That was when I realized what I had said and slapped a hand over my own mouth.
   "What party?" He asked, looking confused. "No one has said anything about a party to me."
   "Right, um. Bye!" I cried, leaping to my feet.
   I started to run away, but I knew he was directly behind me.
   "Ashley, you'd better not be going to a party without me!"
   "I'm not!"
   "So, I'm invited?"
   "I can't say."
   "Wait!" He skidded to a stop. I did, too, turning to look at him. As I did, a smile slowly slid across his face. "My birthday is Friday. It's a surprise party!"
   Well, Eric was going to officially kill me. I dramatically collapsed on the sidewalk, covering my face with my hands once again.
   He walked over and stood above me, grinning down at my pathetic person. "I love you, Ashley. You never keep anything hidden from me!"
   I groaned in response, which made him chuckle.
   Don't. Ever. Tell. Me. A. Secret!!!  

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