19. Wish List (Riley Biers)

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(Published July 2, 2023) 

   "What's on your wish list?" Riley whispered.
   His voice broke the silence that had engulfed the dark room, which was only dimly lit by my digital alarm clock. His interest in my likes made my heart flutter, which I knew he could hear if he was focusing on it. So few people took interest in others' likes anymore!
   "I don't have one." I admitted.
   "Then let's pretend you're making one right now. What would be the first item on it?"
   I thought for a moment as his fingers trailed softly up and down my back. We were cuddled up together on my bed, my head on his shoulder and his other hand gripping mine. I couldn't really think of anything else I wanted at this moment, other than to spend as much time as possible with Riley. Since he had suddenly reappeared after being gone for over a month, I had a hard time being away from him.  Even thought he was different, he was still the one I loved.  He was the only thing I couldn't live without.
   "April?" He prompted when I didn't way anything.
   So, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind that I could use. "A new phone charger."
   He chuckled. "Item two?"
   "Um... Someone to take me to see a movie in the theater." This one I really did want.
   "You haven't been to see a movie lately?" He asked.
   "Not since the last time you took me." I whispered.
   He fell quiet for a minute at that. My loving Riley hadn't made me very many friends, and he knew that. It didn't bother me normally, but the time without him had been miserable.  It was harder than I remembered, being a loner.  
   "Item three?" He asked, his voice holding a hint of regret in it.
   "Your blue hoodie that I love." I decided to tease him with this one. "You have no idea how many times I've tried to steal that thing!"
   "Oh, I think I do. I've seen how you look at it when I wear it." He chuckled again.
   "How do I look?" I pushed up onto my arms so I could look at his handsome face.
   "You can't keep your eyes or hands off of it. Why do you think I wore it so often?" He smirked at me.
   "It's so soft and looked so good on you! It's not my fault I want to look as pretty as you!" I smirked back, running my fingers over his t-shirt covered chest.
   "And I don't want you to wear it because you'll look prettier." He murmured.
   As he spoke, he traced his fingertips from the top of my spine all the way to my pants and then back up again. I shivered happily at his touch.
   "No one is prettier than you, Riley. You're a dream come true." I whispered, hoping that the darkness hid my blush.
   "I'm a nightmare, April." He objected softly.
   I took a moment to rest my head on his shoulder again, keeping my hand on his chest. He sighed, wrapping both of his arms around me. As he held me close, I could almost feel the regret, sadness, anger, and pure love he was feeling within himself. He loved me, but knew he wasn't a hero in this story.
   "You're my dream come true. You're all I need. I like how you can pretend to be a bad boy, but then are incredibly sweet to me. I like how clever and how determined you are. I like how you can never ignore me, even when you try to. Your appearance makes me weak in the knees and your eyes make my insides react when they meet mine. The past is past, you can't change it. It's now and the future that matters. And you are what matters to me." I murmured.
   He stayed quiet for a moment, his only movement was his breathing. I didn't regret what I said, so I simply waited for his response. I was beginning to wonder if he didn't feel the same way towards me, though, when he finally spoke.
   "Do you want to know what was on my wish list?" He whispered.
   "Yes please." I answered instantly.
   He paused, lifting a hand to stroke my cheek softly. "Your love. I've been hoping to earn your love for years.  Was going to really try to earn it, too, before...  But when I came back, I didn't think you could feel that way about a villain like me."
   I sat up beside him, gazing down at his face that was hard to see. I had not expected that! "You love me back?"
   His lips curled up in a smirk, and he gave the smallest of nods. Then, I noticed his 'bad boy' look creeping onto his features. He was about to be naughty!
   "Now, I'm going to turn the side table light on, and I'm going to see just how much I affect you with my gaze." He teased.
   I blushed and tried to duck under the blankets. He was too quick, though, and he caught me around the waist before I could. Chuckling, he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
   "Love you, April." He murmured in my ear.
   "I love you, too, Riley." I murmured in return.  

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