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When he gets irritated by her clingy ass and she stops being affectionate to him.

Lisa's POV~

My eyes were stuck at the microwave to see the effing cupcakes which were getting ready since ages.

Today Kook was coming home back from his business trip of TWO FUCKING DAYS. He literally was gone for so long that now I can't wait to just jump at him as soon as he enters the gate.

I know I'm quite of an clingy type girlfriend or atleast this what Kook always tells me.

Back in Highschools he was actually the one who used to be all over me all the time but then as we grew up more tables totally turned around.
And now it's me who's always clingy towards me while he became more privatized who doesn't shows his feelings freely.

I dunno what happened to him. Is it just the puberty which crashed landed on him making him such a boring ass guy? Maybe.

Now it's been 6 yrs of us dating and as the time is passing he seems like distancing from me. Maybe it's just me who's thinking like that cause he isn't the same guy he used to be.

He isn't the same guy whose day used to start just when he sends an "Good morning" text to me neither used to end until he sends a "Good night" text.

No matter how busy he used to be but this "I love u" texts were always used to bombard my notifications as soon as I opens my phone....oh not to forget with a ❤ in the end.

He isn't the same passionate guy anymore.

Maybe it's just due to his work cause the pressure & responsibility doubled after his father named the whole company in his name.

Or maybe it's just that he isn't the same lovesick teenager and had became more mature.

I always confront myself giving these excuses to my heart so that negative thoughts won't strike my heart.

What if it's because he fell out off love?

What if he found someone who made him feel the ways I couldn't?

What of he chooses to end all of this that we have rn?

I was so deeply in my thoughts that O didn't even noticed my cupcakes which were burning.

I Instantly switched off the microwave and took out the cupcakes who were totally burnt now.

I sighed while threw all the cupcakes in the trashcan.

Suddenly I heard the door opening which I knew must be Kook entering the house.

My eyes lit up as soon as he came at my sight.

I quickly ran to him embracing him into a huge hug.

"Babe I was missing u so damn much" I said while he coughed.

I broke the hug to see he was looking at me....irritatingly?

His expressions were cold until I looked behind to see 2 guys wearing a coat which I guess must be his clients.

Jungkook instantly pulled me towards him while whispering in my ears, "Can't u see the atmosphere before starting to get clingy. It's embarrassing in front of the clients" He said as finally let go of me.

He faced his clients while gesturing them to come inside the house.

They all walked away from me while some tears formed ar my eyes which I just wiped off.

I quickly went inside to make coffee for them.

As soon as the coffee was done I served it in cups and went to them.

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