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Special chapter!!!
Requested by: ZharaMukaram9


Author's POV:

Completely, perfectly and incandescently happy.
That was their life.

Two different plants watering each other with love while growing another seed.
That was Lisa, Jungkook and a piece of their heart, Jeonsan.

A small happy family was all they wanted....and that's what they made too....

Have u ever looked at someone and hope they stay in your life forever? That's what Jungkook was doing rn.

Sitting on the bed smiling eye to eye while watching his wife dressing their beloved Jeonsan who was refusing to wear what she was dressing him with.

Suddenly his baby came running to him as he made him sit on his lap.

"Dada...look at moma, she's making Sanie wear that pinkish cloth" He whined as Jungkook looked at Lisa who was holding a pink t-shirt.

"But baby look at that t-shirt, it is so cute. It even has printed bunnies that u loves the most. So what's the problem with that?" I asked as he looked at me with a pout.

"But dada it's pink. And boys don't wear pink. It's a girl colour" He said frowning at the T-shirt that his momma was holding.

"What did u said? Pink is for girls huh? So I'm gonna take that pink bunny plushie u has" Lisa said while glaring at Sanie who frowned.

"Nooo momma plss....not Sanie's cooky plushie" Sanie said while whining.

"Why? It is of pink color too and pink is for girls so u ain't getting that" Lisa said while walking to his room but Sanie stopped her

"Okie momma wait....I'll wear it but pwomise me u won't touch Sanie's cooky plushies" He said showing her lil pink finger towards Lisa while pouting.

Lisa smiled at him while intertwining her pinky finger with Sanie's lil pink one.

"Momma promises...now wear this we are getting late" She said while putting the pink t-shirt on Sanie.

The whole time JK was looking at them happily.

"When did I got so lucky?" was all he could think whenever he looks at his lil complete family.

"Dada....do I look girlish?" Sanie said pouting at his dada while showing his bunny pinkish tshirt.

"Nope baby u look as handsome as ur dada" He said playfully grinning in proud.

Lisa rolled her eyes before chuckling as she walked to take her purse.

They were going on a trip to Paris since it was Sanie's vacations.

"Okay if u both are done now so let's go or else we gonna miss our flight" She said as both of her mans responded with a big fat "YESS"

She laughed while taking her bag and the car keys.

She threw the keys at her husband who instantly caught it with his one hand while smirking.

"U aren't as fast as me luv" He said as Lisa rolled her eyes at him.

Soon after they picked up their luggage while walking out of the house.

*Time skips*

Finally after a 45 mins of riding their car they reached the airport and checked in.

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