Kokichi and Kaito

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You were calmed by Shuichi before we all decided to go to bed.
When you woke up and left your dorm Shuichi talked to you about a plan, you nodded, you were going to rescue them. Everyone grabbed what remained of the electro hammers and ran to the hanger.

Soon the door was unlocked and opened, the sight you saw was unbelievable.
Your eyes fell on the gruesome sight of blood splattered across the floor and dripping from the hydraulic press, a purple sleeve poking out from under the press. You screamed in horror, both of the options end with Kokichi being dead.
"A body has been discovered! Following a brief period of investigation, we will commence our school trial!"
Your cries of anguish echoed around the room, you felt your heart pounding in your chest like it was the end of the world. "No! Kokichi! Come out," you yelled holding your chest, your tears falling like a never ending waterfall.

Minutes pass and you fall to your knees, hopeless.
When you stood back up you ran to the bathroom and noticed Kokichi's clothes in the toilet and a blood trail. You covered your own mouth and close your eyes. You walk out and tell Shuichi about the possible evidence. You search the room and find a camera and watch it play. "Wait.. what was that," you noticed a cut in the video.
You back up and run to the hydraulic press and noticed the cut cords. "This.. was his plan.. no.. no."
"Y/N? Maybe you should take a break," Shuichi said. You shook your head, you needed answers.

Finally you had some sort of a lead but it was time to go to the trial.

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