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A/N: From this point on it's an AU. This is the last mention of this.


You sat up and rubbed your head, you were hooked up to many machines, IV drip, and urine bag. "Gross" you thought to yourself as you slowly removed the sicky pads from your head that connected to a computer, you read the screen, it said 'SURVIVED THE KILLING GAME,' in all caps, you sighed and tried to stand up which triggered a soft alarm to go off, nurses ran in and began to chatter about you, they celebrated that you were awake. Soon after they helped you remove everything else before leaving you with a few options to help you walk, the IV rack, a walker, a wheelchair, and a cane. As you were reaching for the cane someone walked in.

"You're finally awake," it was Rantaro, you looked at him in shock, tears filling your eyes, "you must be wondering what's going on huh? Well allow me to explain."
Rantaro went on to explain that the killing game was kind of a simulation, but worse than your normal VR games, the entire cast was put into a coma and some of the wires that were hooked up to your head would affect your actual neurological functions. "W-wait how? What happened," you asked, confused as to what he meant. He sighed and responded, "those who died feel permanent pain in the area where their fatal wound is, luckily the doctors and neurologists here helped decrease how bad the pain was so it wouldn't be too much to stand for anyone who died instantly from their wounds." You immediately thought of Kokichi and the pain he must be in.

You grabbed the cane and a small bag of clothes that rested on a nearby table before asking Rantaro to help you to the bathroom so you can change, he obliged and helped you walk. You changed into black sweatpants and a F/C long sleeve shirt, when you left the bathroom Rantaro smiled at you, "yeah, when I first woke up I had little strength as well, but of course you've been stuck in there way longer than I so you must be super drained," Rantaro chuckled and walked you to the cafeteria, "it's lunch time so everyone should be here-," cut off Rantaro with a sniffle, you saw him, Kokichi. He was in a wheelchair, talking to Gonta. Kokichi didn't notice you were here until you collapsed to you knees, you were shaking like crazy.

Kokichi looked at Gonta and nodded before making his way over to you, smiling. Rantaro helped you up as Kokichi got closer, you stood their silently trying to compose yourself, but soon you felt two arms wrap around you, it was Kokichi, you smiled and wrapped your arms around him and smiled. "I'm sorry I can't stand up to look you in the eye but I missed you," Kokichi whispered, you nodded and stayed silent.
You followed Kokichi back to his table with Gonta and sat down, soon a nurse brought you some food before leaving. It wasn't long before the others came up to talk to you and ask about everything that happened after they died, Shuichu, Maki, and Himiko soon joined the reunion, only ones left were Kiibo and Tsumugi.

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