Crazy = Genius

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The meeting went quite well, it seems as if everyone got a tablet, though Kokichi kept insisting they gave him their tablets to prevent a murder. It's crazy but smart, though Monokuma will probably just pump out another motive.

You are walking out to the dorms when Kokichi runs up behind you and hugs you. "Hey! (Y/N)! Wanna play me some violin," he asked with a grin.
"I can't..," you respond before flicking his nose, causing him to yell in response, "what? You can't take a tiny little flick?"

"Than what can you do," Harukawa asked from behind you, "why should we trust someone who won't tell us what their talent is? Why should we trust someone who hangs out with Oma?"
"Harukawa? I wonder, why should we trust someone who isn't honest with us, why should we trust someone who won't tell us what they can do," you glared at the girl, crossing your arms defensively.
Kokichi stood there blinking, before his eyes lit up, "FIGHT FIGHT," he was silenced by you and Shuichi.

"Kokichi shouldn't be trusted! His schemes are crazy and stupid! He lies about everything! Why do you hang out with him (L/N)?!" What's up with Maki, why is she suddenly on the defensive.
"If crazy equals genius then, yes I agree with you, but for now. I will say this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up. Leave me alone," you quickly turn on your heel and walk to the dorms.

To be continued

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