37. Beginning of a long day (NSFW)

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That morning I woke up by something tickling my stomach and I felt that the covers had slipped off me. When I opened my eyes, I flinched. Ash stood by the side of the bed, fully dressed, and caressed the riding crop along my torso in slow movements. That I had slept at all was a damn miracle, but now I was wide awake in an instant and my pulse had quickened so fast that I could feel it in my fingertips. The day had started when Ash was allowed to do what he wanted. And apparently, he wanted to start right away.

"Good morning," he smiled and glided the leather tongue of the crop along my inner thigh.

I shivered. If it was with desire or that I was cold, I didn't know. He held up my collar and told me to sit up. Then he fastened it around my neck and hooped one finger in the metal loop and pulled me closer to him.

"There's breakfast in the kitchen. You can take the clothes on the chair and come out to me when you're dressed, so we can eat together."

He gave me a tender kiss and let me go and strolled out into the kitchen, the crop twirling in his hand. I drew a deep breath. My promise to him had really not been thought through, I realized that now. It was Monday and both Ash and I had a job to go to, but only one of us had any boundaries as to what you could or couldn't do at work. Did he really want me to have the collar on at work? Fine, it looked more like a choker to most people, but still. I got up at walked to the pile of clothes on the chair. It was my gray cargo pants and a black t-shirt that certainly wasn't mine, as it was tight as hell. At least he didn't pick out the cat ears for me to wear, so I guessed I could count myself lucky in that aspect.

When I entered the kitchen Ash had outdone himself with breakfast. The table was filled with all the stuff I had bought, and my mouth watered just at the sight of it. If the day would continue like this, I could give him more days to be in charge of. Ash poured me some coffee and I started to eat.

"Are you gonna pamper me today or what?" I joked and took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Only if you deserve it," Ash smiled and cocked his head. "So, it's basically up to you. If you do as you're told, you'll get rewarded."

"But I can take off the collar when I'm at the office, right?"

Suddenly the whip was in his hand, and he placed the tip of it under my chin. His eyes had darkened, and he slowly shook his head.

"It's just that kind of stuff you don't get rewarded for," he purred. "But I'll let that one slip because we haven't talked rules yet."

I stiffened and put down my coffee cup. What did he mean by rules? The uncertainty started to crawl inside me, but at the same time a weird form of excitement was lurking just below it.

"Rules?" I said as calmly as I could.

He got a serious look on his face.

"I'm gonna play with you today. Things will happen that you haven't experienced before and I wanna know what limits you have. Hard limits, that is. Things that you really refuse to do. So, what are your limits?"

That was a very good question. I had never really thought about what I didn't want to expose myself to, for the simple reason that I wouldn't put myself in a situation that I could possibly get exposed to them. What might he do to me?

"No public sex," I said at last. "I mean where it's right out in the open in front of strangers."

Ash laughed out loud.

"You do realize that I have some limits too, right?"

I blushed.

"Hey, I'm just making sure," I said and started eating again. "Otherwise, I don't really know. It's hard to know before I'm actually in the situation if you know what I mean."

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