56. Provocations

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"What the hell makes you think you're welcome here?" Ash finally growled.

"From what I understand, this isn't your apartment, so you have no say in the matter anyway," Brady replied coldly. "I'm not even going to ask what you do to get permission to sleep here, but I assume you have some kind of deal with him there?"

He looked at me with a look of disgust and I flinched at the sudden flare of anger I felt. How dare he say such a thing to my face? How the hell could I have been such a coward to let this fucking idiot in? Now, for the first time, I could see with my own eyes what Ash meant when he talked about his family.

"Don't bring Jamie into this," Ash spat, walking towards Brady. "Tell me what it is you have to say and then you can fuck off because I don't want you here."

I could see how Ash would have loved to just give his brother a good kicking, but Brady was a giant compared to Ash and the aura of big brother was shining off him so it was probably lucky Ash could control himself.

"Don't think you can behave any way you want just because we don't want to associate with you," Brady said. "You gotta think about family, you know? And don't act like a thug, which apparently, you're starting to do now, too. Beating people up without provocation, what on earth are you up to?"

Ash's knuckles whitened as he gripped the back of the kitchen chair tighter, clutching it with one hand. His jaw gritted, but he still stood silently, saying nothing. Uneasiness was crawling inside me.

"Don't you have anything to say? I can tell you that I haven't said anything to father yet, he shouldn't have to hear such things right now. His health is not so good, so if he were to find out about your latest bravado, it might only get worse."

Brady took an authoritative step towards Ash, and I was instantly terrified that he was going to hit him. Ash flinched but didn't back down. But the blow didn't come. Brady stepped closer only to better look down on Ash, in both senses of the word.

"You're tarnishing the family's reputation, do you understand that? Now all my colleagues know that I have a thug brother, how do you think it is when you have my position? How it will be reflected when I apply for higher positions within the department? You're embarrassing me, that's what you're doing. Embarrassing me with your activities and your unspeakable way of life. You should be ashamed, and now you've started fighting too, as if all else weren't enough. How dare you be so selfish and irresponsible?"

"Shut your mouth before you get all the facts straight, Brady," Ash suddenly exploded, the words pouring out of him. "Selfish? Where the hell were you when Nathan was raped? Who did he call when he needed help? Who was it that tracked down the guy who did it and beat the shit out of him? It sure as hell wasn't you."

He fell silent and looked down at the floor. I stood in complete shock and watched Brady. All the color had drained from Brady's face and his eyes were fixed on Ash. Ash finally looked up again and silently met his gaze. It was like time stood still and I didn't even dare to breathe. Had Ash planned to say this, or had it just happened?

Without so much as a word, Brady walked out of the kitchen and yanked open the front door, leaving us, the door slammed shut and the sound echoed into the apartment. Ash remained standing with his hand on the back of the chair, seemingly unable to move or speak. He certainly hadn't planned this; I could see that clearly now. Now it was out. I took a deep breath and tried to get my thoughts going again. What the hell was going to happen now?

Ash suddenly snapped out of his paralysis and stared at me in despair. I just wanted to curl up, if it hadn't been for me being such a wimp and not daring to stop Brady from coming into the apartment, this never would have happened. But now it was too late. Way too late. With shaking hands, Ash reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out his phone.

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