57. Vanilla, anyone? (NSFW)

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Simon got up and picked up the last shot on the tray and headed for the toilets. As we entered, I saw Ash leaning against one of the sinks with his eyes closed and it was obvious that he was struggling with himself. Simon looked at me and grinned.

"Take him into the booth and make sure he stays there," he said, nodding towards the booth at the far end.

Ash looked up in surprise as I took a firm grip on his arm and led him into the booth. There I pushed him up against the wall with one hand on his chest and smiled at him. The feeling I got when I felt his rapid breathing against my hand, his questioning look, was completely new to me and I was instantly nervous. But it didn't matter, I was going to do this, I wanted to do this.

"What... are you doing?" Ash said tentatively, looking down at me.

"Distracting you," I said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

I heard Simon enter the booth behind me and lock the door.

"You can try, but it won't..."

Ash fell silent as Simon grabbed the waistband of his jeans and pressed his hip harder against the wall. I watched as Simon cocked his head and looked closely at Ash, who stared back in confusion.

"What-," Ash began, but Simon cut him off.

"Do you like vanilla shots?"

Ash frowned, as if trying to understand what was going on, but then nodded.

"Good," Simon said calmly. "Then Jamie can have one."

Then he held out the shot glass for me with a crooked grin. I knew I should drink up, so I did. Simon gave me a wink and the second after I had his hand at the back of my neck and he gave me a deep sucking kiss, as if he wanted to lick up the remnants of vanilla I had in my mouth. I gasped in pure surprise, but the kiss was over quickly, and Simon turned to Ash, who was now just staring at us.

"You want a taste?" Simon said but didn't even wait for Ash to answer before he pulled him into a similar kiss.

I thought I would react violently to it, feel left out, jealous, anything but what I actually felt. Simon still had his hand on my neck, fingers digging into my hair, and that, coupled with the sight of their kiss, made my insides buzz to life for real. I was suddenly incredibly turned on. It was barely so I did it consciously as I let the hand pressing Ash against the wall wander down towards his crotch. Simon finished the kiss and smiled excitedly.

"Did you like the vanilla?" he said.

"Uh... well, yeah," Ash replied, almost giddily.

"Jamie, I didn't think Ash was a vanilla guy," Simon grinned at me.

"No, I didn't think he was either," I said, playing along as I watched, to my satisfaction, Ash get completely put out.

"I'm not a fucking-,"

"Your boyfriend doesn't seem to get what we're doing," Simon said to me, ignoring Ash's attempt at a protest. "Maybe we should make it clearer for him?"

"I think so," I smiled, and Simon tightened his grip on my neck, pushing us both closer to Ash.

Then he kissed me again, hungrily and aggressively, as he directed my hands to Ash's chest and pressed them against his nipples. A wave of desire ran through me as I felt Simon's invading kiss, while I could hear Ash gasp as I lightly pinched his nipples and felt them hardened under my touch. Could I have such power over him without even trying? The whole situation was indescribable, I couldn't even have imagined this in my fantasies. Simon licked my lower lip and then looked with eyes dripping with lust at Ash.

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