Away / 9

797 22 0

Bella's POV

I'm excited as hell! Finally, I'll be away from here. Perhaps, this is what I need. Away from all the drama and sorrow of my life and somewhere normal.

Most werewolves or in my case, panthers, don't go to college. Once they become 18, they find their mate and stay with them yet, mine rejected me so off I go to college.

I was enrolled in a college about 2 hours from here. I was going there in the evening and I was doing some last-minute packing. I packed everything I could need: clothes, books, my phone etc. Excited to get out of this hell-hole, I left the house and took my car to the school.

Yes, I purchased a small car with the money I had made before. After loading the things in my car and not saying goodbye to anyone, not that they would care, I drove off.

I drove for 1 hour and reached a Starbucks café. I do need a break from all that driving. I ordered my drink and took a seat. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Wattpad reading books. My only escape from reality other than shifting of course.

A/N: Hey, if you see me in Starbucks saying "chocolate milk", now you don't know me.

After drinking my last sip, I go back inside the car and drive all the way to the college. I get inside my dorm to see a girl with black hair along with neon green striped hair. Must be a goth one. Well, here's to new beginnings. 

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