The pack / 13

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Bella's POV

The next day, I got ready for another day at college. We were leaving Alex's pack the next day.

I decided I would pack my clothes once I got back home and completed any such homework I had left. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Alex and the others.

I know, it might be wrong in doing so when he already has a mate. A betraying, lying selfish one I may add. But, to me it was harmless. I didn't want Alex to do anything for me, I thought of him only as a friend.

I have no intention of becoming like Nicole. I never will.

I made my way towards the college. My first class was literature with Alex and the others. I walked inside and waved at Alex. He did the same smiling back. "Don't mind me asking but, why literature? I thought you'd pick something more in the business stream." I asked him curiously.

"Well, sure, I do inherit my father's business but I've always had a liking for literature and books. Another reason I think you'll love to come to our pack, we value books a lot." He answered and I nodded. Most Alphas either inherit their company or make one. There's no casual jobs for them.

I sit down next to Alexander and Lucas. Lucas kept looking at James with an apologetic face and James kept ignoring it. Are they mates?! Well, I sure do hope so.

Alex probably saw my expression and nodded. "Yeah, they are mates" he said not taking his eyes off the professor. I nodded smiling. I looked at Lucas who was at the verge of tears. He reminded me of the time when Ace rejected me. Nope, negative thoughts aside, I should confront Luc and see if I can help.

Class ended after a few torturous hours. Lucas got up and rushed outside. James simply looked away. Yeah, something really is up. I dashed outside searching for Luc and I found him outside the college on a bench with a few tears rolling down his cheek. He looked at me and sighed. He patted on the bench and I sat down.

"I know you guys are mates, everything ok between you two?" I said, hoping he would feel comfortable. He sighed again and said "Not quite, yesterday, there was this guy flirting with me and I just ignored him. James thought I wanted him to and I tried to explain myself but he just wouldn't listen."

"Oh," I said. "I think you should tell him. Don't stop when he tells you to and just continue. Once he understands, he'll forgive you Luc. Believe me, no one can stand being angry at you for too long." I said jokingly. He looked at me and laughed. "Thanks, you'd make a fantastic Luna. I'm skipping the next class, got some explaining to do." He said and walked off after saying goodbye.

Yeah, maybe I would make a good Luna if Ace didn't reject me. He was talking about Ace... right?

I got up and walked towards Luc. I wasn't going to the next class, not when I could see free live drama. I saw him looking at James and I knew he needed a headstart.

"Go wait outside the canteen." I told Luc and he nodded smiling. "Hey James," I told James and he looked at me trying to smile. "I want to show you something, come on." I said motioning him to follow me.

I walked outside the canteen where Luc was standing and James looked at me with a glare. I smiled innocently and pushed him forward. I went and leaned on the wall and looked at the two of them.

"James I'm-" Luc started but James cut him off "No Luc! What? Do you not want me anymore or something?" James said looking away from Luc.

Luc sighed and said "Please, just hear me out. That night at the club, this guy just came up to me and started flirting with me and-" he was cut of again by James "and what? You wanted him to?" He said looking at Luc. Luc shook his head and said "No! That's what I'm trying to prove! I wasn't going to make a scene and I knew you were coming back for a drink. You think I'd rather be with some idiot Caleb?!" Luc said as another tear rolled down his cheek.

"I'm sorry James, I really am." He said looking down. I'm pretty sure he thought James would go away again but instead, James hugged him. They're so cute together I can't even-

My thoughts were stopped by Alex who was leaning on the wall next to me. I hadn't even noticed him there. "You are quite the matchmaker." He said smirking. "Well, if I couldn't save my love life, I find happiness in saving others'." I said smiling.

He laughed it off and told me to follow him. "I see, you'd rather prefer live drama than classes right?" Alex said and I laughed. "Well yeah, I think I would."

"I like you Bella, I really do. Be ready tomorrow. I'll see you outside the college at 6 sharp, we'll leave for our pack then." He said smirking. God that smirk! I blushed and nodded walking away.

Who knew Alexander Hernendaz had a soft spot?

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