Mate / 20

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Bella's POV

"What was that?" I ask Alexander as he sits down rubbing his forehead. This must be hard for him, seeing his mate with someone else.

He looks at my expression and moves his head sighing. "She isn't my mate. She tricked me into a love spell and made me want her even though she wasn't my mate. What can I say, I was put on a spell." He tells me.

"You knew didn't you?" He says looking at me with those beautiful eyes. "Yeah," I admit and look at my hands. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks and it's my turn to sigh. "I didn't know it was true. I just suspected it and I didn't want to lose the only friends I had." I say and he nods. "I understand"

He starts the car and starts to back out on the driveway. We sit in silence for the entire car ride. He is in his thoughts, I am in mine.

My panther, Cleo, talks to me.

I knew this was going to happen. She says

I know, it must be hard for him, like reality slapping him hard on his face. I reply

I think there's something you should know, although I know you won't admit it. She says

And that its? I ask

You like him, Alex. A lot but you won't admit it. She says and I go into shock.

That's not true! I relent.

Stop lying to yourself and me. You haven't thought about Ace once since you met him and his friend group. Now, do you believe me? She questions.

I sigh, it's true. I feel like my true self around him, like I'm free. I still won't admit it like that however, I wonder what she –Cleo is trying to imply by saying these things.

What are you trying to say? Get straight to the point Cleo. I say

Alexander's POV

I start the car and drive. We stay quiet for most of the ride. I keep thinking about how Nicole could do such a thing, I really did believe with all my heart that she loved me and that I... well, was put on a spell to love her.

She had my love, she really did. I found no flaw in her but. But I have to admit that I slowly felt the magic going away. Every day I and especially my wolf –Kale would become more and more restless.

The same way he was without a mate.

Kale was stronger than me and could hold stronger spells. The spell had most likely affected me more and him less.

I kept thinking it was because of the work piling up and not the absence of my real mate. Now, I feel completely empty on the inside as both the spell and the feelings have vanished away into thin air.


I walked inside the packhouse making my way to the kitchen. I smelt lavender and cream.

I searched around the room to find a woman sitting on the couch eating an apple. She looks beautiful I think to myself. I walk towards her and she stands up bowing her head. "Alpha," she says and I smile.

"Please, sit," I say and sit down beside her. She smiles at me and I feel completely overwhelmed with lust.

"Mate" I whisper and she nods smiling. Well, that isn't the reaction I thought she would have.


I remember that night clearly, how we talked for hours and how she explained how her life was. She told me many things and she seemed ambitious.

That fun, happiness and excitement only lasted a week for Kale and he slowly started returning to his normal self. Kale and I both were workaholics and liked to complete our share of the job.

The nights and day would grow restless for the both of us and we'd feel bored but never did the thought cross my mind of being un-loyal.

I am too engulfed in my thoughts when I see a turn to be made. I quickly turn the car and look at Bella. She is asleep and not affected by the car. I think I know what I have to do.

The path is clear and so is the motive of how far I have to go.

After about 10 minutes, we reach the packhouse. I unbuckle my seatbelt and do the same for Bella. I carry her bridal style into her room and place her on her bed.

I am not sure I slept that night, but I do dream.


Bella's POV

In the morning, I awake in my bed. The last thing I remember was asking Cleo something to whose answer I cannot recall and then drifting off to sleep.

I go to my bathroom and take a shower. I dress in black jeans and a grey sweater. It is cold outside and I am sure it will snow in a few days.

I walk downstairs and see Lucas standing there waiting for me. "Alex called you in his room. You'll be eating breakfast there." He says and I nod. "Did you know about Ni-" I am cut off by him saying "No, but he told the entire pack what happened."

He says and I nod. I walk upstairs to Alex's room and I see him sitting on his chair looking at his window into the forest.

He looks at me and nods at the chair. I sit down and he pushes a plate towards me. He looks at me again and sighs. "I have to tell you something." He says and I nod.

For a minute, I think he's going to send me back. That he finds me ungrateful and hateful towards his so-called mate or anything negative for that sort. My thoughts are cut off by him speaking.

"I always knew Nicole wasn't my mate but often, when one is in love or perhaps in my case put on a spell to fall in love, one doesn't think properly. I thought I'd mark Nicole anyway but she kept pushing me down. I gave her time –a lot of it even allowing her to go on a trip for so long."

He stops as if he's reconsidering what he's about to say.

"The day I met you, I felt weird things. Things I felt with no one –not even Nicole. It took me a while to understand what it was. It took me a while to realise what was going on. There's no easy way to put this so I'll be blunt and straight forward" he says running a hand through his hair.

"You are my mate Bella, my real one."  

A/N: HAHAHAHAHA I love where this is going!!!

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