Gowns / 16

742 22 1

Alexander's POV

After Bella and Marie went upstairs to her room, I went straight to my office. There was something I knew, something that felt so right but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

While I was in college, all my work would be sent to me and I'd distribute it equally between Kaden, James, Luc and me. For the past week, however, I had no work done. To be honest, neither did any of the boys.

We all spent time with Bella and if not, we'd talk about her. She was like a ray of light in my darkness which I thought would be internal. What people say about me is not something I do not know. I know what they call me; the ruthless one, the cruel and vicious Alpha... whatnot.

This mask of cruelty I always wear is important for an Alpha. An Alpha must be seen as powerful and dominating to his pack for one reason: to gain respect and mostly fear.

Respect always comes with time and is good, but fear is somehow even better. The pack members won't do anything wrong in front of you. I'd always have a scowl and be dominating and strict hence, my nicknames.

However, when I'm with Bella I feel different. The mask of cruelty ran away itself the first day I saw her not to mention Kale when ballistic.

When I first touched her back that day in front of the college, sparks rose in me. I don't like this feeling, it makes me feel weak and in complete lust in front of her when I know I can't have her.

I already have a mate: Nicole. No matter how she is, she still is my mate.

I can't back out on her for the sole reason of her not being how I thought she would. Not that I hate her or anything, she's just... different.

The door knocks and May comes in. She holds my suit and places it on the couch next to my desk. She bows her head and then leaves me alone closing the door.

I think of Nicole, how she's enjoying her trip. When she comes back, I surely will introduce her to Bella. They are different, Nicole is attention-seeking while Bella's a wallflower. I don't mind her being a wallflower though.

Bella's POV

"If you're sure that Nicole is with Ace, then she'll be at the ball. She'll think that Alex won't be there because she won't be there but little does she know, pretty Ms Bella will be accompanying him. When we go there, we'll sneak around and search for Nicole and eventually, we'll find her with Ace!" Marie said in one breath.

I could see her chest puffing up and down while she took deep breaths. "You sure?" I asked and she nodded. Just then, the door opened and a maid came in. She held two dresses which I was guessing was mine and Marie's.

"The dresses you'll be wearing at the ball," she said with a bow and went outside. I looked over at the dresses with specified name tags. Marie picked up her dress, which was a black one and was body-hugging. I look over at my dress, a blood-red dress. Body-hugging and had a slit coming towards the end.

Marie smiled at me and said, "We're going to look magnificent!"


"Well then, let's go eat dinner," Marie said after she rambled about what all she'll apply on her face. The ball was tomorrow and I had to be prepared.

Prepared to meet Ace once again and be able to face it.

I make my way downstairs along with Marie and sit down at the table. The table is long and slender. All the high pack members slowly start to fill in their seats. At the ends of the table, there are 2 seats, for the Alpha and Luna I suspect.

Alex pokes my shoulder from behind and I turn to look at him. He's wearing his usual smirk, he must be in a good mood. Of course, he would, why wouldn't he? He's going to meet his mate in a matter of 10 hours.

He whispers in my ear "Sit on the chair on the far end of the table, it is unoccupied" and I look at him weirdly. "That's the Luna's chair" I respond and he shrugs replying "I care not". I nod and make my way there. The people who were looking at me looked down at their plates.

I hope they don't think I am what I think Nicole is to Ace

As I sit down, the servants start to bring out food in large bowls. They place all the bowls in the middle of the table.

The servants finish putting the food on the table and start serving. They serve the Alpha first and then me. Moving on to James, Luc and Kaden and then the rest of the pack.

I look down at my plate, pasta. I smile, it may be a simple dish but surely is one of my favourites. I look around to see everyone talking with the others and I look at Alex. I see he's already looking at me and he looks down at his plate again starting to eat.

I see a hint of blush on his cheeks. I smile to myself and start eating.

I have to be prepared tomorrow, I have to be prepared to face Ace. I keep chanting in my head like a mantra, a mantra I hope I will follow. 

A/N: hehe hehe, guess who's adding something to the story. Can you guess it? I hope not, after all, a plot twist is best unexpected. 

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