𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝

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*English is in Italics*

It was pretty early in the morning, in the March day. Kai had been practicing for 4 hours, and it was 8:00. She had classes at 2:00 pm, she was glad she was majoring in only Music, and Biology. She only had 3 lectures per class every week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She had the opportunity of taking University classes, and being a trainee, having a nice schedule that she only had to continue another year or two, depending on her dedication. She determined to finish it the same time next year. 

Kai had determined to perfect a choreography she made up for her next evaluation, so she tried to practice between all the free time she had and her classes. Han and Minho knew their new friends determination, and had brought her a snacks and water, a little over an hour ago, she enjoyed their kindness. 

Han and Minho were the only friends she seemed to have in the company. They were already ready to be competing for a showcase with a boy group this coming fall, and Kai was more than happy for them. She was sad to see them advance without her, but they got the opportunity they have waited for years, they deserved this. 

Kai played the song over again, refraining herself from the looking in the mirror, as she closed her eyes to feel the music. She liked to practice without seeing herself in the mirror, she liked to know and feel when she made a mistakes, which made her great with her precise and sharp dances. She looked in the mirror only when she feels she's done her best and have perfected every move to the best of her ability. 

She went over the dance, counting the beats of the song, as she swayed her body along with it. When the dance came to an end, she opened her eyes, looking at herself in the mirror. Her breath hitched, as she looked at the door to see a familiar boy, with silvery blonde hair. He had been a trainee well known in the company, training under JYP Entertainment for almost seven years at the time. 

She turned around to meet eyes with the older boy, as she felt comfort in her gentle smile. Bang Chan had a way of making everyone he knew stop and look at him. He was talented, and a good-looking person, why wouldn't he? 

She didn't know how he managed to have such hope and faith to wait around for years in order to debut. She knew she couldn't ever do it, so she felt pride in knowing something with such strength works at her company. She saw him as a beacon of motivation to keep going. 

"To what do I owe this visit, Chan oppa." Kai said formally, with a bow. If anyone ever knew Kai, they'd know Kai was great at talking casually, maybe that's why her and Wooyoung got along so well, they were so informal. But, she that didn't mean that she spoke in such improper tongue, no not at all. She spoke to everyone the way she was taught, with her manners. She was scarred to be embarrassed of someone correcting her formalities, so she just decided to speak to everyone with respect, especially since Korean wasn't her first language. 

Chan chuckled at her way of announcing his presence in the room, he bowed back. "Your Choi Kai, right?" Chan inquired, as he approached her, coming close to her.  

"Yup, spread the word." Kai jokingly said, with a sweet smile on her face, as she wiped the seat from her forehead with a rag she hung around her neck. Chan felt warm with her joking aura, smiling at her and chuckled once again. 

"I heard you're rapping earlier, and you're dancing is phenomenal, when did you learn to rap and dance like that?" Chan was curious. He had seen many different people leave, and enter this company. He heard many unique and different voices, in singing and in rapping, yet Kai caught his attention the other day when he walked past the vocal room, Kai was different. He had been trying to bump into her ever since. 

Kai was taken aback by the compliments. She was getting complimented by one of the most well respected and talented  trainees in the entire company, not to mention, this man had been in the company, longer than she had been times two. 

She recovered from her state of frenzy, and smile at him."Thank you. It's been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid, dancing and rapping on a stage, it seemed to be the right path I could take. " Kai said as she fiddled with the towel around her neck, trying her best to sound as confident as she wanted to be. 

"Your really good, Kai. Extremely well thought out raps and you seem to have great precision with your dances." He complimented, Kai again thanking him, for his kind words. 

"Look, I've been asked by JYP PD-nim wanted me to con-join a boy group late last year. I have recruited most of the boys I've wanted, but something is missing. I wanted to offer you a spot in the showcase." Chan confessed. He had been eyeing the girl for a while, and Han and Minho had said how great of an all rounder she was, so he wanted to see for his himself. He knew, the moment he saw her talents, she was the one left in his missing piece of the group. 

"Me? Chan oppa, isn't this group an all boy group? Are you sure JYP PD-nim will even allow this?" Kai inquired, not wanting to get her hopes up. She had only been a trainee for 6 months, and she knew there was other with more talent than her, especially people of the opposite gender. "Beside, I've only been a trainee for 6 months, I don't think-" 

"Kai, I have seen you this past week, you're phenomenal and you have more than enough talent. JYP PD-nim asked me to recruit people that I think are the best and have the most potential, and I think your the best." 

"Chan, I have been working my butt off since I was a kid, I know that I'm good, but, when being in a group, it doesn't come down to being the best, it comes down to being a team. I of all people know that it isn't easy. I don't know if I can take this offer. "  Kai said in English, weirdly unaware of the switch of language.  She was glad Chan was Australian and spoke English.  

"I get it, Kai. I really do, but not matter what you think, I know your an asset to this team, my gut tells me. And if anything I've learned, it's to trust my gut." Chan said, as  he gave her  assured look. 

"What about the other boys? What will they think of a female joining and all boy team? What will the public think?" Kai really was curious, she loves to say she had never experienced a moment of doubt in her life, but she was doubting her ability to perform with an all boy group. 

"Kai, I understand, but, you never get a chance like this, and it sounds really selfish to say, but I need you, and you need this. You're a brilliant performer, I've seen you in action and your past work, I know. So do both of us the favor; you don't have to worry what other people will think, because if you do, you'll never get what you've always searched in your life. Join us." 

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