𝚂𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠

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Solo Interview is meant to show Kai and her views of life so far. These questions I personally think are important to show the growth of Kai as a person, show the extent of the friendships she holds, and what she believes in.


"If you had to pick a member who has inspired or influenced you the most who would it be"

" Well all the boys influence my life in so many different ways. They contribute different things to different parts of me and inspire me to be okay with who I am as well as learn to be susceptible to change. Yet if i had to say one of them who has inspired or influenced me the most i would have to say I.N. See, Innie in my eyes will always be seen and mean more to me than most of the boys because I got to have the privilege of seeing him grow up and mature at a very young age. I think it was from the pressure pre-debut, the pressure of trying to always be his best, the pressure of not trying to let his hyungs  down, I think that's what made him mature fast. Though through it all, I never saw him shaken, because truly he is a fighter and a strong one. Innie has always done what has needed to be done to be better as an idol, a better friend, a better son, and most importantly a better person. He has and will always learn from his mistakes and the mistakes those who make around him. I think being younger than most around him has shown him how to learn from those around. Because that's all I've ever wanted him to know, that friends are the biggest resource we have as people, and that I'm always glad and willing to be his biggest resource. He has inspired me to be a better person, a stronger person, and I want him to know that."

"who is the person you protect the most"

" I think everyone in my group would say Felix, because he's a ball of sunshine, and I would never let anyone cover the sun rays with clouds of doubt, but truthfully, I would say Minho. Minho has a different way of going about things, he's comfortable with himself in a way I could never see myself being, he's secure in who he is, and I wouldn't want anyone changing that about him. Minho is always viewed as cold and rude or mean, but people who know him know that Minho is caring and kind and though he might not show it under all the layers of sarcasm, he is a lovable person who has shown me so much. I would protect him the most, because I wouldn't ever want anyone to hinder such a secure, true, and kind person who I deeply care for."

"When do you plan on making a solo debut?"

"Realistically, I've never thought about it much. I think I haven't truly felt ready to do things on my own yet, and truthfully I don't know if I ever will. You see, many idols who are in groups or have been in groups have solo debuts, and i don't think i'll ever be comfortable on stage without the boys next to me. I have grown to love to share the stage more than being on it alone. It would be a good and different experience, yet I don't think I'm ready for it just yet. "

"How did your childhood impact your relationship with the members in the group?"

"I truly believe that my environment as a child shaped who I am. The way I've made decisions, made choices, even now are all due to the way I was so independent. I never had siblings, and most times, all i had was me to decide on things, even if it was small like what type of ice cream was in the fridge or what type of shampoo was in the shower, i got to decide it all for myself. So even now, when i'm making decisions, i catch myself falling into this, i wouldn't call it selfish, but habits in which i pick only the things i like or i enjoy. Of course I didn't notice these tendencies until I lived with the boys. They all grew up so differently than I, I mean they had the privilege to experience the dinner table with their families as children, they got to experience so much of their parents and their care, they type of caring i had and always will yearn for, especially as a child. I mean I was privileged, had a roof over my head, was never hungry or starving, had new clothes, new shoes, a nice home, everything. I had everything, yet I had nothing. So of course, being alone all the time, I made my own decisions and handled things my own way. Yet I didn't really see that as a problem till I moved in with the boys. I saw how they handled everything together, they made decisions together, made food together, went shopping together. I never was never used to it, so I spent a lot of my time doing these things apart from the rest. I didn't feel good, but that was all I knew.

It wasn't until Minho actually knocked some sense into me and told me how they did things and how I should join, because I was a part of the group and how I was family. Yet seeing them be so welcoming and see them love with so much in their hearts, it taught me to appreciate and thank people so much more than I did. So I say thank you and I love you so often that sometimes they seem empty. But I only say these phrases when I mean them and I want people to know what I'm feeling because it can make their day better and it allows me to mend myself, it allows me to truly say what I've always wanted to say to people. It's a way to show that I also truly care and I can truly love, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I never told someone how I feel and I could never get to tell them."

"Do you have tattoos or piercings of anysort?"

"Yeah, I have a lot of ear piercings like 20 I think, and I also have a small infinity sign on my ring finger. It's hidden on the inside of my finger, so most people don't know it's there but yeah."

"Why the infinity sign?"

"I have always loved the infinity sign, even as a kid. The infinity sign to me means the endless and boundless opportunities that are presented in our lives. It brings forth the idea of peace and how it can coincide with chaos and madness. It allows me to feel balanced, especially in a world filled with distraction and complications. It reminds me to be conscious of where I am  and the endless possibilities I have before me. The symbol brings forth that wherever you find yourself in your life, that there is always a place to go. The infinity to me shows emotions without bounds, like love and peace. That's why my favorite number is 8, actually because the infinity sign turned on its side is 8.

Me and a very close friend of mine got the same matching tattoo. And since we're both idols, we decided on a place where it's easily concealed, yet we are able to see it all the time. It's a pact we made as friends, to all always believe in infinity, because we believe friendship is boundless and so should ours."

"What is the favorite gift you have ever gotten?"

"Um, I very much enjoy tea. Either cold, warm, or hot or with extra things or alone, but the point is I love tea. A very close friend of mine also very much loves tea, and they won a beautiful white and gold tea set while filming. It is the beautifulest thing I have ever seen and they gave it to me and every time I use it, which is every morning before schedule or just any day, I send them a text and picture of me drinking from the tea cups because they thought and cared to give it me, and so I want them to know that I think of them every time I use it. It's a beautiful sentiment to me that they gave me such a thoughtful gift, it means a lot."

"What is a rookie group you have enjoyed recently?"

"Most recently the rookie groups are on another level of talent and potential and I enjoy watching most of their performances. Like ENHYPEN, a phenomenal rookie group, not to say it just because I am friends with the boys in the group, but I have gotten to know them both professionally and personally that I can say they are very determined people, especially since I have gotten to interact with all of them during their pre-debut days. Another group who deserves so much credit is P1Harmony. I just enjoy their music, their style, these boys are talented and so good at what they do. I have gotten to interact with them, and one of their members, Intak, is a lyrical genius and I enjoy getting to help him from time to time."

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