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The group had been the closest to debuting they had been throughout the entire show. It was nearly the end, and everyone could say they just wanted it to be over.

"Well, I guess we are one step closer to the end, kids. But we still have yet to address one problem, Kai may you step up?"

"Kai, I chose you to be in this company for a reason. I saw your potential, that I barely see come into the doors of this entertainment. So, I have a proposition for. I offer you a position in this company to debut as a solo artist this coming spring. But, that would mean you would have to leave this group." The boys all looked at eachother, in shock.

"Sir, with all due respect-" Kai was cut off by the man.

"Don't answer right now. Such a sudden question can cause your emotions to cloud your better judgement, especially in the situation you are in." JYP PD-nim dismissed her attempts at a rebuttal.

"SIr, I-" Kai began again, still in an attempt to protest. She had spent the majority of the remainder of the year getting to know these people, they were her friends. Now, and just now he offered her a position as a soloist. She was upset at his attempts to excuse her from the group without making it seem like it was his doing. What a coward.

"You give me your answer monday. I need you to think really hard about this, Kai. Your decision now, determines the entirety of your future. You all are dismissed." Kai stood there, as the camera team shut off the cameras, and some of the stage lights, leaving only the major ones on.

Kai wanted to move, but she couldn't. Was he really going to think she was going to take this offer, was he really this stupid? Why now? Why ever?

Kai lost herself in her thoughts, as everyone left the room. All piling out, one by one. The boys all turned to look at the girl, as she stood there, still in deep thought. Seungmin scoffed, as he was the first of them to leave the room. Now that he had become friends with her, now he wanted to drop her from the group? He had grown to adore Kai, and now there was a chance that after all of that, they might not even debut together. It just was wrong. JYP had no position to do that.

The boys watched as the puppy-like boy file out of the room, almost running out. He was clearly upset, and so were the others. I.N began looking back at Kai, and back at the door. He wanted to comfort her, but Seungmin was also in pain, and seeing as no one was going to leave, he wanted to check up on his hyung.

He walked over to Kai, as she still had her backs to them. He placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked .over her shoulder, eyes red from the heartache, as she saw the comforting smile I.N had on, as he pulled her into a hug. "I love you, noona. There is nothing you or anyone can do to change that. Choose the best for you, don't worry about us, okay?" I.N whispered in her ear, as she nodded, tears streaming from her eyes.

I.N pulled from the hug, and offered her his signature smile. He then nodded at the boys, as ran after Seungmin. Knowing where he might be. I.N and Kai were the only ones that knew where he hides out when upset, and I.N knew he would go there at a time like this.

The boys looked at one another, all giving each other a look. They were still in shock, and thought Kai would need some time alone. They all walked out and began to walk away, looking at the girl who still didn't have the confidence to look back at them all. She had shifted to sitting on the stage instead of standing.

As the boy pulled out, one couldn't handle leaving her all alone in her thoughts, she shouldn't be put through such strain. Chan looked at the hesitant squirrel-like boy as he couldn't bring himself to leave.

"Han, let's go." Chan whispered, loud enough for him to hear. Han turned around, giving Chan a sorrowful look. His eyes glossed over, almost like glass. Chan understood him, Han had expressed his admiration for Kai since the moment he met her. Kai was Han's role model, Han always said that. Just leaving her here, it wasn't right. Han wasn't going to leave one of the person's he cared for, he looked up to, in despair.

Chan smiled at the beautiful boy, giving him a small nod, as he headed for the door. As he reached the door handle, he turned back. Han was still in the same spot, not making any advancements to the girl. He smiled to himself once more, as he left the room.

Han walked over to Kai and sat right next to her. He didn't know what to say, so he decided to sit in comfortable silence as he thought of what to say.

Kai knew Han has taken a seat next to her, but she didn't turn to acknowledge him. She had so many things going through her mind, but one thing was for sure, she didn't want to leave her boys.

"You know, when I was a kid, all I ever thought about was being an idol. Dancing and singing on stage, inspiring people to do what they dream of doing or dream of being. I thought something was wrong with me the first time I had a conversation with a kid my own age. The kid wanted to pay with the doll house, but all I wanted was to practice dancing. I thought something was wrong with me when no one wanted to hang out with me, when they said I was no fun. I cared about what they said. That was my mistake.

I believed for a very long time no one cared for me. My parents were always gone, but I loved them and they loved me. But still, I felt lonely and alone. So I spent my time playing sports or learning how to sing and rap because I already knew I was destined to be great. But, what I realized as I grew up, playing all those sports and trying to get the best possible grades, was just a cry for attention. I love it till this day, but that only made me so alone, I thought working with others was a nuncence."

Kai played with her sleeves, as she continued."I came here with the intention of debuting solo. I have to admit it, I was doubtful of joining the showcase with you guys, but I did it anyway. That has been the best decision I've ever made, and to undo it all, I just can't. We grew together, we practiced day in and day out. We fought, we cired and we bled. I came to this company to succeed and make my dream true, and my dream changed. Being with you all, being together, that's my dream. So I can't, I won't. Being with you guys has taught me so many things. But most of all is that people can change. Things happen for a reason. I believe you all to be the reason that I made it this far." Kai said. As she looked over to Han. He was smiling, and that alone made Kai smile.

"You know, everyday you never cease to amaze me, noona." He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Hah, get used to it squirrel boy, you'll be seeing me a lot more often than not." She said with a wink, as she rested her head on his chest.

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