𝚆𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊 𝙻𝚒𝚎

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"I cannot believe you right now!" The yelling rang throughout the house as if it was an alarm. All the boys jolted from the TV, looking at one another. Confusion was all that was apparent on their faces.

Chan hadn't ever screamed this loud, ever. The boys had no idea why he was, and had no idea who he could raise his voice so loud at. Yet the moment they realized that Kai was gone from her seat on the couch, they knew she was on the receiving end of the screaming.

"What are you even saying! You're victimizing yourself and you know it!" Kai yelled back. She was infuriated and angry, emotions in which she never really felt. She's never needed the reason to.

The boys were scared about the argument they were hearing from down the hall.

You see, all the members had decided to watch some marvel movies for fun because it was their day off, and they all knew how extremely rare that was. They just wanted to spend it in one another's presence, relaxing at home and laughing at one another's jokes.

They made popcorn, Felix and Kai made cookies, Minho made food, it was going great.

Until they started hearing loud arguing coming from down the hall.

They hadn't noticed when both eldest members had excused themselves from the living room, into their shared dorm room.

They had no idea what was going on.

"What is going on?" Changbin whispers to the others, wanting to see if they had any idea what was going on.

When he was met with shrugs, and confused expressions, he knew the others were just as clueless as him.

"What in the hell could they even be yelling at?" Minho pondered more to himself than to the rest of the members present. In his many years of knowing both Chan and Kai, he has never heard them yell to anyone, especially not one another. The two were one another's glue.

"How could you even try hiding it from me? How could you hide it from us? We are supposed to be a team, Kai. Not some stupid enterage that roams everywhere you do!"

"I have never said that, you put words into my mouth! I'm not in the wrong Chan! Do you think I asked for this!? Do you really think that low of me?" Kai yelled back. She didn't accept any of the words he was saying. His judgment is clouded.

He isn't saying this to hurt you, he is saying this because he doesn't know how to react and respond. Those were the only words that kept the girl sane.

"I don't know what to think of you anymore, Kai." Chan was disappointed, stunned at what she was holding to herself. Hurting all on his own, when he'd usually talk to her. He couldn't trust her anymore, not after this.

"So that's it, all those years, out the window because of something so malice as this. You don't even believe me, you won't even hear me! When did you stop believing in me?" Kai's words stung him like a bee. They stung as her pleads and cries screamed out to him. As her tears fell from her eyes. She's got to be kidding me, he thought.

I.N was about to bust the door open to their room, but the other members stopped him.

"We have to stop them. They are saying things to one another they don't mean," I.N softly said to his members. They were both his family, people he admired, people he loved. Hearing them at one another's necks made him want to scream and cry aloud.

"That's not for us to dictate Innie, they have to speak this out. Whatever it may be." Seungmin said. He was terrified too, he wouldn't admit it, yet he just wanted to go to his bed and hide under his blankets and hide the noise with music.

"I don't understand, they were fine all day. They had been joking and laughing, they were just fine." Han wondered aloud, pondering why, how long, when; he just wanted to know what was hurting the two so painfully.

"Why is the question, why is Chan so angry at Kai? What could she have done that involves all of us?" Hyunjin heard Felix think aloud. He didn't believe Kai would ever do anything with bad intention; not to them, not to the team, not for something they had all worked so hard for. But, he also knew Chan never gets angry, not with them, not like this. This was serious, and they needed answers. They needed the whole story.

"Stop playing dumb, Kai. How could you?!" Chan was done. He was done with the lies, he was done with the bullshit. He was done.

"Just say what you want to say Chan!"

"How could you not tell me that JYP has continued to ask you about becoming a soloist? How come I heard you even considered it?!"

The boys looked at one another in disbelief. They waited for a response from the girl, but the time they wished she would speak, she didn't say a thing. She was silent.

Disgust quicking appeared in some form in each one of their faces. How could she?

Kai stared into his tear filled eyes. His hands accused as his words cried out for answers. He has never liked this. She really had hurt him. She didn't even try too.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Channie, I never agreed to anything, I swear to you with everything in my being." Kai's voice shook, as her lips quivered from the held back of tears.

Chan's face faltered. It was true. It was true.

He wished he hadn't even brought up the conversation. He wished he wouldn't have said anything.

"How the hell could you have done this to me! Done this to us! We are a family!" He yelled at her, rushing towards her to intimidate her. She just walked backwards, afraid of the close proximity.

"See, this is the reason I didn't mention anything! I didn't want you worrying about things that would never happen, you worry too much about things as it is already?" She retraced his words, outlining them with her mind.

"But you considered it, didn't you? You know, you do this thing when you're avoiding answering something you'll only answer it to a certain extent. You know that?" Chan persistently asked right in her face.

She stared at him. Now she was in disbelief. How could he even think I would do such a thing?

Spite appeared in her eyes. "You're all talk, you know? You pull shit out of nowhere and try to make yourself the victim. I guess you don't really know me. Because if you did, you would never question my intentions. I don't need to explain myself about trying to protect you, or myself for that matter. I don't ne-, I don't need this." Kai brushed past him, knocking his side with her shoulder, grabbing her bag and keys that sat right on her bed, and stormed out of the room.

When she was met with disgusted expressions, all Kai could offer was a lame excuse for a smile, as she walked past them all, heading straight for the door.

And without a hesitant look back, or another word, Kai slammed the door behind her and sped off in her car.

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