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Kai sat on the bench in front of the beautiful sunrise, on the shore of the ocean ahead. She had always been calmed by the waves and the rays of the sunlight in the early morning when the beach was empty. Kai just sat there, soaking up her surroundings as the morning lit her up like the brightest star in the sky.

Kai had been feeling lost recently. Something was off about her. Her music appeal had greatly reduced, and she had not been able to write nor produce a song. Even listening to music puts her on edge, especially songs she has written. She is just so frustrated with not being in touch with music, so she came to relax, find some time to herself to gather inspiration once more. She knew it wouldn't be easy, seeming as she has felt this way for a week now.

The waves brought her peace, planting a smile on her face as the earth's natural music rang through her ears, pushing out all her thoughts and her overthinking. She was pulled out of her trance when she heard someone speak.

"I am not surprised you are here." A familiar voice rang through her ears, abrupting her peace, yet once she met eyes with the older boy, peace ran again through her body, as she unintentionally smiled at his presence. He sat down next to her, his body facing her to see her face in full light.

"Well, I am surprised to see you here, ranita." Kai said as she looked at the boy with the overgrown mullet that hid his neck, and his black painted nails that she always enjoyed.

"I still have no idea what that means." Minghao said as he shook his head, scooting closer to her, following her gaze as she chuckled, and went back to looking out onto the water. He laid his arm onto the bench's backrest, as Kai sat back in her seat, his arm being covered by her black locks.

"It means little frog in Spanish, my mom used to call me it all the time because I used to alternate from being in the water and not. It's fitting, really." She switched to his mother tongue so he could understand her better. He smiled at her small gesture, facing the water and waves, realizing why she was here in the early morning. The waves were calming.

He looked over at her again, noticing she started to disassociate from the world, and into her mind. She seemed at peace, yet there was a furrow in her brows that never left no matter her expression of peace.

"Kai, is there something that's plaguing your mind? You seem conflicted." Minghao noted as his gaze met hers, as her gaze steered away from the waves to his own.

"Um, I don't know really to be completely honest with you, Hao." She said as her gaze fell to his hands, as it sat on her knee without her knowing, his infinity tattoo visible from the angle she was sitting at.

"Why? What has been troubling you?" He asked his friend, worryingly. Kai never seemed so overrun with her thoughts as she was now. She seemed lost in her mind, he just hoped it wasn't negative thoughts that plagued her thoughts.

"Well, I haven't been able to write music or really do anything to do with music. It has been frustrating. I haven't been able to write a single lyric in a week." Kai expressed. Even though her tone sounded frustrated, she seemed to be frustrated with herself more than anything.

"Has this ever happened before?" Minghao asked.

"No, never. I don't know, it just makes me feel a little helpless. I mean it is the only thing I am good at, and not being able to help my members has been very stressful to me. I feel lost in it all." Kai admitted as she met Minghao's gaze. His eyes softened at the helpless expression on her face. It pained him to see her in such a way.

"Kai, you're good at many things, stop thinking that way." Minghao expressed. He saw her hands begin to shake, as they rested on her thighs. He removed his arm that had fallen on her shoulders to cup her hands in his larger hands, trying to calm her a bit.

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