Liam migraine

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This is a request from @ilangel1

Liam's POV

"Ugh." I groaned placing a hand to my head. Waking up to a raging headache was definitely not fun. Of all days to. One Direction had a very busy day today and I have no time for headaches. We have to go to a photoshoot, two interviews, go to a meeting, and finish recording songs for our new album.
Despite the headache, I pulled myself out of bed and got myself ready for our busy day.

"Hey Liam! Care for some pancakes?" Louis asked, holding a plate of warm freshly made pancakes.
I didn't really feel like eating, my headache had gotten just that bad, but not eating would be suspicious and the boys cannot be worrying about me, especially today.
"Yeah sure I'll take one."
Louis put a couple on my plate, while Niall was watching hungrily.
"You gonna eat all that?" Niall asked, not taking his eyes off my plate.
"Probably not, you can have it  Ni." I chuckled.
I handed him my plate, and it didn't take him 5 seconds to start wolfing it down.
"You don't want any to eat Li?" Louis asked confused.
"Not really hungry, but thanks Lou." I smiled.
He shrugged his shoulders and carried on with what he usually does, which is annoy Harry. When the others weren't looking, I got up and took an ibuprofen.
"You lads ready to go?" Paul asked, coming in through the front door.
"Yup, all set!" Harry replied, playfully shoving Louis away.
"Alright, let's be off then. We have a busy schedule today." Paul said, guiding all of us out the door.
The sunlight hit my eyes as soon as I stepped out, and it did absolutely nothing to help my headache.
I muttered under my breath, making sure that the boys didn't hear.
We entered the building of where our first photoshoot would take place, and let's just say, the bright lights did not help my headache. Halfway through the photo shoot, the boys were starting to notice that something was wrong with me. I didn't want want them to know at first, but by the time we finished the second photo shoot we had that day, my headache had gotten progressively worse.
"Alright boys, we're going to take a lunch break then head over to the first interview." Paul said, driving to the nearest Nandos by Niall's request.
As soon as we walked into the place the smell of food hit my nose and my stomach twisted into knots.
"Liam, are you alright?" Harry asked worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine Hazza." I replied with a smile. He didn't seem to sure but thankfully the waiter came to take our orders just before Harry could protest.
"And for you sir?" The waiter asked me.
"Um, I'll just have a water, thanks." I said. He jotted it down on his notepad.
"Liam are you sure that's all you want? You didn't eat breakfast this morning and we have a busy schedule today so you could really use something to give you energy." Niall said.
"Nah, I'm good with just the water." I said.
The waiter nodded and walked off leaving the boys all staring at me.
"Liam what's wrong? You're not acting like yourself today." Louis said.
"I'm fine, I just have a little headache." I admitted.
"Have you taken anything for it?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, I took some ibuprofen this morning." I replied.
"Well, what does this have to do with you not wanting lunch? If you only had a 'little' headache, you would still be able to eat." Louis said suspicious.
"Fine, it may be a little migraine or something like that but I promise I'm fine." I said.
"Liam, migraines are no fun, why didn't you say anything?" Harry asked.
"Because I can handle it, you guys don't have to worry about me." I said.
The other boys still looked unsure but still let it go. Mostly because I think they knew that they were going to lose this battle.
"Alright, but tell us if you feel worse alright?" Louis said.
I nodded my head and the others still looked worried but took my word for it and went on with their day.

I crashed into my bed with a sigh. Today was finally coming to an end and I couldn't be happier. My migraine only got worse and worse and attending interviews and recording songs did not help even the slightest. Of course I didn't tell the boys when it got so bad to the point where I threw up after recording. I didn't have the heart to slow their day down, and I still refuse to tell them how bad it is now. We have to go back to recording tomorrow and the boys are ready to get it done. The sooner we finish recording the sooner we release the album which is one of many very exciting parts about being a singer. Nothing is more exciting then going to the album releases. That and perming concerts of course.
Clearing my thoughts I curled up under the covers and tried to go to sleep. My head was hurting more than ever and a long snooze sounded better than anything right now.
"Going to sleep already, Payno?" Louis asked with a smirk.
"I'm tired." I replied defensively.
"Whatever. How's your headache by the way? Any better?" Louis asked
"It could be better." I replied with a small moan.
"Did you take any more meds?"
I groaned. I knew I had forgotten something before I went to bed.
"I'll take that as a no then." Louis said with a quiet laugh.
"Could you bring me some please?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." Louis replied, leaving to go get them.
When he came back, he handed them to me.
"Thanks." I muttered.
"Are you sure this is just a headache? You've just seemed extra tired today and headaches don't normally bother you that much." Louis said.
"I guess I've had a bit of a tummy ache as well." I admitted.
Louis came closer and put the back of his hand in my forehead.
"Lou, I'm fine it's just a migraine." I complained. In my opinion, he was over reacting just a bit.
"Yeah, that fever tells me otherwise." Louis sassed.
I have a fever? Well that would explain why I've been extra tired today. Lou was right when he said that headaches don't usually bother me, even if it's a migraine.
"I should probably go tell one of the boys to cancel our plans tomorrow." Louis said, about to get up.
"No don't tell them, please!" I pleaded.
"Liam, you're obviously sick, you don't need to go anywhere tomorrow." Louis said.
"I'll be fine. This probably just a twenty four hour bug that will be gone by tomorrow." I replied.
"I don't know Liam-"
"Please?" I begged.
Louis looked hesitant but reluctantly agreed.
"Fine, but if you still have that fever when you wake up, you're not going anywhere." Louis compromised.
"Thanks Lou." I breathed.
"Now get some rest, maybe your migraine will disappear." Louis said.
As soon as he left the room, I did as told, and curled up into a ball and went to sleep.

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