Niall wisdom teeth

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Requested by @Eden21184

Harry's POV

"Can we maybe get a coffee or something before we go? I am kinda-"

"No Niall, you're not procrastinating any longer. Besides your teeth need to be clean for this anyway."

Niall slumped back into his seat with a sigh. We're on our way taking Niall to get his wisdom teeth removed because he had been holding off on it for way too long and it was starting to cause him a lot of pain. Even then, he was still too stubborn to go so we ended up having to drag him there ourselves and somehow he's still trying to procrastinate.

"Why are you guys even making me do this? I could have gone a little longer without this stupid surgery." Niall grumbled.

"No because we're sick of hearing you whine about your face always hurting. You'll thank us in the end." Liam says.

"I still don't understand why today." He says.

"Because we have two months off, this is the best time for you to have this done. Besides don't you want to get it done and over with?" Louis says.

"I'd rather not get it done at all." Niall whines. "I hate the dentist."

"You'll feel so much better when it's over though." I say.

"No I won't, my mouth will be sore!" He says grumpily.

"You'll live, now come on we're here." Liam says, tuning off the car.

I didn't even notice that we'd arrived. We were so preoccupied with arguing with Niall about this that I didn't even notice that the car had stopped.

"Actually I think I'll be okay having mouth pain for a little while. Let's leave guys, this is a waste of time" Niall says, shrinking down in his seat.

"Come on Ni, we'll be here when you get out and we'll take good care of you when it's all over." I say, hoping it'll help ease his nerves.

"I don't wanna do this Haz." He says quietly.

We weren't quite used to seeing the vulnerable side of Niall. He was usually so bubbly and care free and never put up a fight to anything. He's not even scared of the doctors so I'm not sure why he's so afraid of the dentist.

"I'll be there the whole time Ni, and so will the other boys. If you want one of us to go in there with you I'm sure the dentist wouldn't mind." I say.

"But I'll look like a baby, even more than I do right now." Niall says. I felt so bad about doing this, he looked like he was about to cry.

"You don't look like a baby Ni, and if anyone so much as cuts you even a weird look then I'll deal with them personally." I say.

"Okay." He agrees.

He finally gets out of the car and follows us inside. He fills out the paperwork and sits beside me in the waiting room. He was so fidgety and his leg kept bouncing up and down. I can't say I've ever met someone with this much anxiety about the dentist but I still felt bad about doing all of this.

"Niall Horan?" The nurse calls out.

Niall froze up in his seat when he heard his name be called.

"Come on Ni, let's go get this over with." I say encouragingly.

Begrudgingly he follows the nurse back there with the agreement that I come too. Whatever helps ease his nerves about this, I was willing to do.

"If you could just sit here in this seat please, and the dentist will be with you shortly." The nurse smiles.

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