Louis sick but the boys don't believe him

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This is a request from @MajaAvocado

Louis's POV

I woke up this morning and I felt horrible. My stomach was twisting into knots, I was all sweaty yet shivering at the same time, I have a headache, and I was SO congested. Luckily, we have the week off so I don't have to worry about going anywhere today. I tried and tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't. Eventually, I found myself leaning over the toilet and puking until I couldn't breathe. And sadly, I didn't feel any better after. I dragged myself back to bed and tried to go back to sleep but still had no luck. Just as I was about to fall into a light sleep, Niall came in my room with the brightest smile on his face.
"Louis, get up we're gonna go get some breakfast!"  Niall said.
I cringed at the thought of food.
"Go ahead Ni, I think I'm gonna skip this one." I said quietly.
"What? Why don't you want to go eat breakfast mate?" Niall asked.
"Not feeling the best." I replied.
Niall scoffed.
"Whatever mate." Niall said. Then he left.
Yes, I felt bad for just skipping breakfast with the boys, especially since we never get to just sit down and talk anymore. But I don't think it'd be a very fun trip for any of us if I was throwing up the whole time. Just as I had settled back into bed Zayn came into my room.
"Nice try mate, but you can't skip everything with us just because you want to sleep." Zayn said.
I honestly was in shock. I know I may seem like the kind of person to do that every once in a while, but I have never ever faked before.
"What the heck makes you think I'm faking?!" I said, with my voice high and scratchy. Great, now I have a sore throat.
"Louis, it's our first break in five months. Of course you'd do anything for a sleep in, but we have all week to do that so could you please do it just this once?" Zayn pleaded.
"I'm not faking, I swear!" I said.
Zayn rolled his eyes.
"Fine, whatever you say. But just know that we all know that you're faking." Zayn said.
"But I'm not!" I said.
As much as I hate to admit it, tears began to form in my eyes. How could they just not believe me?
Zayn scoffed then slammed my door shut. I winced at the loudness that was definitely not helping my headache.
Soon, I heard the boys leaving the driveway which meant that I was now alone in the house. I sat there for a moment before deciding to get up and find some painkillers or something. I searched through the bathroom cabinets until I finally found a bottle of Tylenol. I downed a couple of pills and dragged myself back to bed. I lazily pulled the covers back over my shivering body and tried to get some sleep.

Niall's POV

We were eating breakfast down at Waffle House and enjoying ourselves even though we were a little pissed that Louis had the audacity to fake being sick just so he could sleep in. But we weren't going to let that bring our day down. As soon as we finished eating, we went back home to find that Louis was still in bed.
"Alright mate, you can quit pretending to be sick now, we're back." I said.
"I'm not pretending." Louis mumbled.
"Whatever mate." I scoffed.
We all left Louis's room and went to go play fifa.

"Haha I win!" Zayn yelled.
"Dang it!" Harry shouted.
Once again Zayn won and now we were all bored.
"You lads wanna play football?" Liam suggested.
We all happily agreed and ran outside to go play.
"You guys think we should ask Louis if he wants to play?" I asked.
"Yeah, it might get him to quit faking this little "sickness" of his." Liam said.
I went inside and walked into Louis's room where he was half asleep in bed. I contemplated on waking him up or just leaving him to sleep but then I remembered that he had been sleeping all day. It was time to drag his lazy butt outta bed.
"Louis." I shook him awake.
"What Niall?" Louis asked grumpily.
"The lads and I are going to play football. Wanna join?" I asked.
Louis shook his head.
"Still don't feel good." Louis replied.
I rolled my eyes.
"You really need to let up with this whole sick act mate, it's getting on all of our nerves." I said.
"But I'm not faking!" Louis cried.
"Yeah, sure." I said sarcastically.
A few tears rolled down Louis's cheek as I left his room. Once I got outside, I shook my head signaling that Louis was not playing. The others sighed, but we began playing anyway. Liam was on my team against Harry and Zayn. It was all going great. Liam and I were winning so far and just as I was about to score another point, until I accidentally tripped on the ball instead of kicking it, and I landed on the ground with a thud. I tried to get up but I couldn't. There was this intense shooting pain in my ankle and it got worse with each breath I took.
"Niall, are you okay?" Liam asked, sitting on the ground beside me.
"M-my ankle hurts." I said, trying not to let out the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Let me look at it." Liam said, rolling up my pants leg.
By now Harry and Zayn had come over to see what was happening.
"Oh, yeah that's definitely a sprained ankle." Liam said with sympathy in his tone.
"I-it hurts." I said, now giving up on not crying.
"Let's get you inside and put some ice on your ankle." Harry said.
The boys helped me up and had me lean on them as we walked back inside.
I laid on the couch as Liam put a pillow under my ankle for elevation I guess, and then Harry came back with a bag of ice and gently placed it on. I winced at the coolness.
"I brought you some painkillers Niall." Zayn said.
"Thanks." I said.
I swallowed a couple and laid back in the couch. I was still slightly crying from the pain and boys kept giving me sympathetic looks.
Suddenly Louis came stumbling out of his room.
"Guys, where did the painkillers go?" Louis asked. "I have a killer headache."
"I have them right here, but you're not getting them." Liam said.
"W-what? Why?" Louis asked with tears pooling in his eyes.
"Because you're not actually sick and we need to save these for Niall. He just sprained his ankle really bad so he needs them." Liam replied.
"But I am sick!" Louis cried.
"Quit lying Louis. You had your time this morning now it's Niall's turn for attention." Zayn said.
"I don't know how to convince you guys!" Louis said.
The boys rolled their eyes at Louis making him begin to cry. Louis ran back to his room while the rest of the boys shook their heads in disproval.

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