Louis sick during X-Factor

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Requested by @SofisHappy

Louis's POV

I absolutely hate waking up early, always have for some reason. And unfortunately everyday I have to wake up at 6 in the stupid morning to get ready for the show on X-Factor. So as every morning when my alarm went off, I groaned loudly and threw my blankets off to get ready for the day.

I didn't really take long to get ready. I usually just throw on a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt and whatever pair of shoes are closest to me. I don't even bother making my bed most of the time so all in all it usually takes me about five minutes to get ready at most. But they still make me wake up bright and early because I 'need to get used to early mornings'. They act like I've never had to wake up early for school before but that's beside the point.

On this particular morning I was in absolutely no mood to wake up. When my alarm went off I woke up in a cold sweat, my hair sticking to my forehead. My stomach was in knots and my throat was dry and felt like I had been eating sandpaper. To sum it all up I felt like garbage. So instead of sucking it up and getting ready I put my alarm on snooze and rolled over and went back to sleep. It's not like I take long to get ready anyways. They'll never know I slept a little longer on this one morning.
Unfortunately it was a game where I kept hitting the snooze button on my alarm and at some point I lost track of time. At some point I heard someone loudly knocking on my door. I didn't even have the energy to get up and go see who it was so I just mustered up the strength to yell "who is it?".

Not even two seconds later Harry comes barging into my room.

"What are you still doing in bed?" Harry asks, not even giving me a second to process anything.

"Don' feel good." I replied, curling back into the covers.

"We don't have time for this Lou, we need to leave in five minutes so you better start getting ready." Harry says, then leaves the room without another word.

I internally groaned. Harry was of course in a pissy mood today of all days. We were all tired from getting home for so late every night, but we were constantly rehearsing for each performance. It's understandable not always be in the best of moods when you're exhausted but I was hoping Harry would be in a more caring, sympathetic mood today. Of course though it'd be my luck the one time I'm sick and Harry doesn't believe me.

With a sigh I pulled back the covers and started getting ready. My stomach was twisting into knots every time I moved and for a minute I thought I was about to throw up. Maybe then Harry would at least believe me. Anyways, I grabbed my keys and wallet and met the boys in the kitchen.

"There he is, what took you so lo- Louis are you okay?" Liam asked, making his towards me.

"I don't feel well." I mumbled.

Liam reached out to feel my forehead as Harry scoffed.

"Don't let him trick you Li, he's not sick. He's just trying to get out of rehearsals today." Harry says.

"I don't know Haz, he feels warm. Plus look how pale and shaky he is." Liam says, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Whatever Li, but I'm not falling for it." Harry says.

He gets up and walks outside to wait on the van leaving the rest of us in the kitchen.

"What feels bad Lou?" Niall asks.

"Mostly my stomach, but my head and throat hurts too." I replied.

"Just try to take it easy today. It's only rehearsals we've got going on, so at least you don't have too much going on." Liam says.

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