Harry constipated

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This is a request from @farahsuffianna13. Sorry for the wait, but here it is. Enjoy!

Harry's POV

Life has been very hectic lately. We've been doing nonstop concerts, interviews, photo shoots, etc. We're so tired by the end of the day that we're lucky if we even remember to brush our teeth at night. We have gotten so rundown to the point that I didn't even notice anything bothering me, until now. We were sitting in the van, on our way to the next interview we had and my stomach was beginning to hurt. I tried to ignore it, but soon it developed into cramps which made me shift around uncomfortably. I tried to be discreet about it, but apparently the boys can notice anything.
"You okay there Hazza?" Liam asked.
"Just a little tummy ache is all." I replied.
"Would you like so tums?" Liam offered.
Who the heck carries tums around? I guess I should've expected it from the one and only daddy direction.
"Yeah, sure." I said, hoping to have this pain gone before the interview started.
Liam took out the bottle of medicine and handed me some which I gratefully accepted.
"Thanks." I said, before downing the pills.
I rested my head against the seatbelt like a five year old on a long road trip, and tried to take a mini nap in hopes of it being gone by the time we get to the interview. Unfortunately, I could not and what's worse is the pain was not going away. Now we were at the interview and we were beginning. We all sat practically shoulder to shoulder on the small couch and listened to the lady talk for a bit. Soon enough I found my stomach was gurgling loudly. Luck was definitely not on my side today. I tried to subtly rub it to try and get it to stop but it just kept getting louder. Eventually I started getting weird looks from everyone. I shrugged my shoulders as if I had no idea why they were staring at me. Then, my stomach decided to get extra loud and this time I'm pretty sure the people backstage could hear it. Everyone suddenly turned and looked at me. By now I'm sure my face was as red as a tomato in just pure embarrassment.
"Mr. Styles are you alright there?" The interviewer asked.
I nodded my head and whispered 'sorry' to her. She just shrugged me continued on while my stomach kept making weird noises. It continued on for the whole interview and I swear my face was getting redder by the second every time someone would give me a weird look. By the time we finished and got out of there my stomach had stopped. Of course it does as soon as I'm not on camera anymore.
"Harry are you hungry or something?" Niall asked. He was hiding a very obvious smirk which only made me feel worse about it.
"It is right at lunch time." Louis said.
"Can we go to Nando's?" Niall asked.
The boys rolled their eyes.
"We literally just ate there yesterday." Liam said.
"So? They have different things ya know." Niall said sassily.
"Whatever. Haz, is Nando's good with you?" Liam asked.
I nodded my head. Truthfully, I didn't really feel like eating anything at the moment.

We arrived at Nando's and started eating as soon as we got our food. I picked at it and ate a bite every now and then.
"Why aren't you eating, Haz?" Liam asked, noticing that I had barley eaten anything.
"Just not that hungry." I replied.
"Are you sure?" Louis asked.
I nodded. We ended up getting a takeaway box and put my lunch in that and we went back to the van. Now we were on our way to the photo shoot. My stomach still hurt and really all I wanted was to go back to the hotel. My stomach kept on turning which caused me to let out a few low pitched whines that I tried to mask but I still got worried glances from the boys.
I just want this day to be over.

*time skip cuz I'm lazy😜*

We were back at the hotel and I immediately went to my room to lay down. I wish I knew what was causing this. After another while of tossing and turning in bed, one huge cramp came across that sent me straight to the bathroom. I got up and went but as soon as I got to the toilet nothing was working. I sat there for awhile, but nothing happened. I sat there frustrated. Was this why my stomach was hurting all day? Eventually I gave up and just went back to bed. Soon, Liam came in who was my roommate for tonight, and went to bed.
"Harry, are you sure you're okay? You've been acting strange all day." Liam said concerned.
"My stomach still hurts." I admitted.
"Did the tums I have you earlier not help?" Liam asked.
I shook my head. Liam sat there for a moment.
"Do you think maybe you just need to go to the bathroom?" Liam asked.
My face went bright red. It was definitely an awkward question to be asked and to have to answer. But on the other hand, maybe Liam could help.
"Y-yeah, but nothing... uh, worked if you know what I mean." I said, my face getting redder by the second.
"Maybe try a laxative?" Liam suggested.
Why the heck did I not think of that before? I could have avoided this whole humiliating conversation if I had just thought of that earlier.
"Um, yeah that might be a good idea." I said quietly.
Liam nodded. He got up to go find some laxatives. Unfortunately he came back empty handed.
"Sorry Haz, I don't think we have any. But the bus driver has already promised to drive by a pharmacy tomorrow.
I blushed again.
"Don't worry, he doesn't know what we're after and the boys won't know either. I'll go in the morning while their still asleep." Liam said. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Just try to go to sleep tonight if you can." Liam said.
I nodded and curled up in bed. As embarrassing as this conversation was, at least now we might have a solution to this problem.


I got about 5 hours of sleep last night before my stomach woke me up. And just when I had finally began to dose off, Liam shook me awake.
"I have the stuff." He whispered.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
I took the recommended amount and then hid the bottle so the boys wouldn't know about this whole thing. It didn't take long before those laxatives kicked in and I was on the toilet for awhile. Liam came and checked on me a few times but in the end my stomach did feel a lot better. When I thought I was finally finished for good this time, I decided to go back to bed and catch up on some well deserved sleep.

This was so short and not my best work, sorry guys! I didn't really know what to write for this one if I'm being honest. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and requests are always open! Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next one! Byeeee and stay safe!❤️

One Direction SickficsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora