Holiday Troubles

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Requested: @music_lover_001

Niall's POV

After going months of touring, interviews, photoshoots, and writing sessions, management finally agreed to give us a holiday. We have two weeks that we will be spending at the beach to do whatever we want. Management even booked us a beach house where we can all have our own room for once. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing hotel rooms with the boys, but it was gonna be nice to have a room all to myself for the first time in a while.

"Niall are you all packed?" Liam asked from down the hall.

The boys knew I liked coming prepared so I took a little longer packing my bags with extra stuff that they tended to call unnecessary. Laugh all they want but I'm the only one that's prepared for any occasion or if I ruin any clothes while on this trip.

"Yeah I'm done, just gotta get this suitcase to the van!" I said as I picked up my ridiculously heavy bag.

Yeah I'll admit packing this heavily wasn't always fun when I had to actually carry the bag around, but hey at least I'm prepared.

I dragged my suitcase all the way down to the van where our driver was patiently waiting for us. I packed it into the trunk along with all the other boys' bags and closed the trunk door. The other boys met me outside and we all climbed into the van and began our travel to the beach house. I'd love to say that the car was full of excited chatter amongst all of us but really we just napped or scrolled on our phones the whole way there. We really were exhausted to say the least so we took any chance of rest we could get even if we were on our way to our vacation destination.

It was only a couple hour drive, so it wasn't long until we arrived and started carrying our stuff inside.

"I call this room!" Louis says as he runs all the way down the hall, his suitcase trailing behind him.

We smiled and shook our heads. I didn't really care what room I had, I was just ready to unpack my bag and get that out of the way.

We quickly all picked our own rooms and began unpacking. Once that was finished we all relaxed in the living room in front of the tv. We were so tired that we really didn't feel like doing anything tonight, so we agreed on ordering takeout and just watching movies.

By the time we were three movies in, I had developed a slight headache and a heavy tired feeling so I decided to call it a night.

"I'm off to bed boys." I announced as I stood up from the couch, my bones cracking as I stood up.

"It's only a little after ten, why so early?" Louis asked, glancing at the time on his phone.

"Just tired, I'm ready to actually get a full night's sleep for once." I smiled.

"I'm with ya there, I think I'll join you." Harry says.

I already knew he was waiting for an excuse to go to bed, after the first movie I saw him already tiredly rubbing his eyes and nodding off. It was evident that he was exhausted just like the rest of us, but let's be honest, no matter how tired you are no one wants to be the first one to go to bed.

Harry happily stood up and followed me down the hall where we parted ways into our own rooms for the night. I stripped out of my jeans and shirt and changed into some flannel pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt and crawled into bed. I don't know where this sudden headache came from but hopefully it'll be gone by morning. The boys already made plans for us to go eat at a cafe down the street for breakfast in the morning. It would be more of a brunch though, we all want to sleep in until at least 10 in the morning if not a little later.

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