All sick

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This was a request from @1D_luvs_spoons

Liam's POV

I shot up out of bed and immediately ran to the toilet. As soon as I made it to the bathroom, I fell to my knees and began vomiting in the toilet. By the time I was finished, I was covered in sweat, my stomach still rolled with nausea, and I had a horrible headache. I knew I was probably getting sick before I went to bed last night because I noticed I was feeling a little achy and of course tired. I just had to hope that we don't have anything going on today because I felt like pure garbage. I picked myself up and dragged myself to bed not even bothering to brush my teeth. I don't even know what time it is. All I know is it's in the middle of the night because it's pitch black outside. I tried to ignore the intense nausea in my stomach but it wasn't working. I tossed and turned all night long, barley getting any sleep. When it was about 7 in the morning I had finally dosed off when Louis came busting into my room.
"Liam, we need help!" Louis practically shouted.
I groaned into my pillow. I had just fallen asleep for the first time since last night and now I'm awake again.
"What is it Lou?" I mumbled.
"Niall's sick in the bathroom." Louis replied.
So it's not just me who's sick then.
"Alright, I'm coming." I said, slowly getting up.
As soon as I was on my feet I was hit with a dizzy spell and started swaying nervously back and forth.
"Woah, Liam are you okay?" Louis asked worriedly.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I said, while trying to shake off the dizziness.
Louis did not look too convinced. I could not let the others know I was sick, otherwise they'd force me to stay in bed and I had to take care of our little Nialler.
"Are you sure? I can just wake up Harry and get him to help me take care of Ni. You're not looking too great yourself mate." Louis said concerned.
"I'm fine, just a little dizzy. Probably stood up too fast." I replied.
Louis still did not look too sure, but let it go anyways.
I made my way down the hall and into the bathroom Niall was in and saw him crouched in front of the toilet, and his forehead covered in sweat.
"Awww Nialler." I cooed.
"Li, I don't feel good!" Niall moaned hoarsely.
"I know bud, let's get you back to bed." I whispered. Niall nodded and I helped him off the ground and slowly back to his room. Once I got him tucked back in bed, I grabbed a thermometer and took his temperature.
"101.75 (38.75)" I read aloud.
"It's not too bad. Just get some rest and I'll be back to check on you in a little bit." I said.
"Wait Li, I want cuddles." Niall said.
"I will in just a sec, I gotta take care of something." I said.
Niall nodded and I left as quickly as possible. Truth be told, I was leaving to go throw up. My stomach was killing me and I couldn't stand there much longer.
I crashed on my knees in front of the toilet and immediately started puking. I tried to finish as quickly as I could so I could get back to Ni.

"Alright Nialler, I'm back." I said.
"Bout time." Niall mumbled.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his sassiness as I crawled beside him in bed. He immediately snuggled into my side and went to sleep. It wasn't long before I had dosed off myself.

*the next day *

Well, now Niall, Louis, and Harry are down with the sickness and I am feeling worse than yesterday. Every five minutes I would stop to go throw up and every now and then take my temperature.
"Liam I don't feel good!"
"Liam I'm cold!"
"Liam I'm hot!"
All three were yelling for me at the same time. I looked down at the thermometer that revealed my temperature. 102.85 (39.36). Definitely not good. I knew I needed to be resting and I wish I could, but now I had three people to take care of and no backup so it's not like I had much of a choice anyways. Besides, I could take it.
I turned off the thermometer and brought it with me figuring I'd probably need it. I entered the living room which had all three of the boys in. At some point every single one of them had either sweated or puked on their sheets which meant I had to toss them in the washer which left all of them on the couch in the living room.
"Liam, I'm cold!" Louis moaned.
"I'll go get you some more blankets." I said.
I went to the closet which held all of our blankets, and pulled out a couple blankets for Louis then returned and handed it to him.
"Thanks Li." Louis muttered.
"No problem." I replied.
"You sure you're okay? You're not looking to great Payno." Louis said, scanning me up and down.
"I'm fine, just a little run down is all. I'm probably gonna go take a nap." I said.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Louis asked.
"Positive." I lied.
Still not looking convinced, Louis curled into a ball on the couch and went to sleep. At least now that they're all asleep, I can finally rest a bit. I went down to my room and crashed into my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

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