Louis sick and hides it

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This is a request from @Pandatttt12
I am shipping no one in this story, just some good friendships😊

Louis's POV

We finally were given two weeks off to do nothing but relax. And of course I had to go and wake up all sweaty and with a blocked nose, killer headache, plus a sore throat. The others had already left yesterday for a plane back home to see their families, but unfortunately both mine Harry's planes were delayed for not one, not two, but five days due to bad weather forecasted ever blasting day this week. Me and Harry were going to try and make the best of it by having some fun, and of course I had to wake up feeling like crap! I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom and dug around the cabinets for a thermometer. Once I found it, I held the device under my tongue until it beeped.
"100.76 (38.2)" I read to myself.
Great, I have a fever to go with this. Harry and I were planning to go to the movie theater and everything! There was this new movie we were both dying to see so we agreed to go this afternoon. I can't and won't tell him I'm sick. It'll crush him.
It was still pretty early in the morning, so I am going to go back to sleep and hope that when I wake up I'll be feeling at least decent enough to survive a movie. I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin, and went back to sleep.


I woke up to Harry shaking me awake.
"Morning Lou! I've got breakfast downstairs!" Harry said with a bright smile, obviously in a good mood this morning. My stomach twisted at the thought of food. Great, so now I'm nauseous. Even more exciting. Note the sarcasm. But, for Harry's sake I plastered a fake smile on my face and got out of bed and walked downstairs to eat the breakfast that Harry so kindly made. As soon as I saw the large stack of pancakes my stomach did a backflip. Maybe I can eat half of it? I guess we're about to find out.
I sat down at the table in front of Harry and began to slowly eat.
"So what time are we leaving for the movie?" I asked, trying not to appear dead.
"I think the nearest showtime is 3:00 so we'll probably go then." Harry replied.
I nodded my head and continued eating.

I somehow miraculously made it through breakfast, but now I'm paying for it. As I was watching tv in the lounge room with Haz, my stomach was doing summersaults. I knew I was going to throw up sooner rather than later, and to top it all off I'm pretty sure my fever's spiked up. I tried my best to mask my discomfort, but it was beginning to get hard.
Suddenly, my stomach lurched, causing me to jump up run to the bathroom leaving a very confused Harry. I hope he didn't follow me in here because otherwise he'd find out I'm sick and force me to stay in and rest. I could not ruin this outing for us.
As I was hurling over the toilet I heard a knock at the door.
"Louis, are you okay?" Harry asked concerned.
"I- I'm fine Haz, I'll be out in a minute." I said calmly, while trying to catch my breath.
"Are you sure you're okay? You don't sound too good." Harry said worriedly.
"I'm okay." I breathed.
I heard Harry sigh and walk away. That was a close one, and I hope that he actually bought it. When I finished puking, I got up and brushed my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth. When I returned to the lounge room Harry looked up at me worriedly.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked again.
I smiled. "Of course Haz."
Harry still didn't look quite convinced but let it go anyways.

Later on throughout the day, we kinda just hung around and did whatever. When lunch rolled around my stomach definitely did not not take a liking to my ham sandwich. After spending eternity puking up my sandwich in the toilet and taking my temperature only to see that my fever had indeed gone up, Harry and I both decided to take a nap before the movie which I was grateful for. I've been waiting for this moment all day. I crashed into my bed with a relieved sigh and soon I was out like a light. I didn't even know how long I'd slept until I woke up to Harry shaking me awake.
"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you but if we want to catch the movie we need to go." Harry said.
I nodded and got up. Now feeling worse than before, I dragged myself downstairs and sat on
couch while I waited for Harry to finish getting his shoes on upstairs. I started to dose off again when Harry shook me awake.
"Lou, you're falling asleep." Harry chuckled.
I smiled and stood up only to be hit with a strong wave of dizziness. I swayed back and forth uneasily while black stars danced in my vision. I suddenly broke out into a sweat and I couldn't comprehend a word that Harry was saying. Next thing I know is all I see is darkness.

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