Louis sick but can't rest (part 2)

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Requested from ilangel1

Louis's pov

I knew from the moment when I woke up this morning with my forehead dripping with sweat and my stomach twisting into knots that I had caught Niall's dreaded sickness. However there was no way I could take today off to rest since we just took off all of last week to care for Niall. I just had to suck it up and get through it. When I stood up I was immediately hit with dizziness and had to grab my bedpost to keep myself from falling off. I could just tell that today was going to be such a fun day for me. I got myself dressed and went downstairs to meet the other boys who were already eating breakfast.

"What took ya so long, Lou?" Liam asks.

"Jus' tired." I respond.

Liam nodded and continued to eat.

"You want something to eat before we leave?" Harry asks.

Just the thought of food sent my stomach to twisting into knots.

"Nah, I think I'm good." I said.

He nods and continues to eat. About ten minutes later Paul is practically pushing all of us out the door and into the van so we could get to the studio.

I slumped into my seat in the van. I was so tired and didn't feel like doing anything at all. I'd still much rather be at home curled up in bed but the studio was at least more relaxed. We were just doing more song writing so it's typically very calm and quiet atmosphere. Much easier to be in than a room full of cranky managers who just yell and boss you around 24/7. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes, hoping to get at least a ten minute nap in before we have to start our day.

Liam's POV

I noticed that Louis was very quiet this morning. He didn't eat breakfast and hasn't spoken very much at all. It could just be my paranoia after the whole sickness incident with Niall a few days ago but it was just so unlike Lou to be this quiet. Usually he he's talking our ears off and making constant jokes about everything. But, it could very well be that he's just exhausted. Louis did most of the caretaking with Niall and then after he got better about two days ago management has had our schedule packed to make up for our days that we were off while Niall was sick. It was very likely that Louis was just tired, we all are, but I don't want to completely dismiss the idea of him catching the virus. I looked over at him and he had his head rested against the window. He did look a little pale. I probably shouldn't bring it up right now though, he looks tired.

When we arrived at the studio we immediately sit down at on the couch and wait until we're given our "instructions" of how they want us to do this.
I look over at Louis and see that he's a little shaky. He was nervously tapping his foot against the ground and breathing heavily.

"You alright Lou?" I whispered.

"Um, yeah I'm fine." He replies quietly.

I could see it in his eyes that he was lying. I took one good look at him and figured that he definitely had gotten the bug. He has all the symptoms that Niall had when he was trying to hide his sickness. Plus he was around Niall the most so it doesn't surprise me that he's caught it. Getting Louis to actually admit though was going to be tough. It's probably gonna end with me having to catch him in a vulnerable moment in order for him to admit it.

"Okay boys let's get started shall we? We have a lot to do today." Our manager says, walking in.

We nodded just ready to get this over with.

"Okay so I think we're gonna split you guys up into different rooms to try and find some different inspirations. Niall you'll go with Harry and Louis you'll go with Liam. Sound good?" He asks.

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