Louis sick on his birthday

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Requested by -ShadowDancer28_
Louis's POV

I woke up feeling absolutely horrible. My stomach rolled with nausea and I was sweating yet freezing at the same time, and I had the worst headache. I looked over at the clock and it was just a little past 3 in the morning. It's officially my birthday, and I'm sick. The boys were supposed to come over and hang out all day, and now I'm sick. Of all days and it had to be today. I couldn't tell them. They're so excited to come over, there's no way I can tell them. I just have to tough it out.
I rolled over and tried going back to sleep. I dosed off for a few hours but soon woke up feeling sick. I tried taking deep breaths and rubbed my stomach to calm the nausea but it didn't work. In a matter of seconds I found myself violently heaving over the toilet with tears in my eyes. I absolutely hated getting sick, I dreaded it every time. By the time I finished throwing up, I was shaking, and I felt really hot yet freezing at the same time. Not really a good sign here.
I didn't have the energy nor the strength to get up and go back to bed so I went back to sleep on the cold, hard bathroom floor not caring how unsanitary that was.

When I woke up I felt worse than last night. My stomach felt so nauseous and I had the chills to go with it. I had the worst headache and my throat felt like sandpaper. The last thing I felt like doing was having a party here, but I still didn't have the heart to cancel. They worked so hard to plan this for me, I just couldn't mess that up over a little stomach virus. With every ounce of energy I had left, I got up and hopped into the shower to wash off all the sweat and germs off my body. If anything I'd at least feel cleaner.
I didn't stay in the shower for long because I ended up puking my guts up in a toilet again. I feel so sick and all I want to do at this point is sleep until the world ends. But I couldn't do that today unfortunately. When I finished getting sick, I stood up and went to go get dressed. I dressed in sweats and a hoodie, despite it being my birthday. Hopefully they didn't have anything too big planned, otherwise I'll have to go change. I went downstairs and took some ibuprofen, hoping that would at least calm down my headache some. After that I just sat down on the couch until they got there. I dozed off for a little bit until I heard someone knocking on the door. With a sigh, I got up to go answer the door and was greeted by my best mates.

"Happy birthday Lou!" They shout.

I tried my best not to wince at the loudness. I let the boys in and quickly shut the door behind them.

"So what all have you done this morning Lou?" Niall asks.

"Nothing much really. Just hanging around." I replied.

"You didn't eat anything special for breakfast or anything?" Liam asks in kind of a surprised tone.

"Nope, didn't even really eat breakfast this morning." I said.

"Well good thing we ordered a lot of pizza for lunch then." Harry says.

I cringed at the thought of having to eat greasy pizza. I couldn't not eat it, that would be not only be rude, but suspicious as well. But at the same time I knew it was going to be coming right back up.

"Yay." I said, trying to hide the fear in my tone.

We all went to my living room and played fifa for awhile. I stayed back and watched Niall and Harry play while trying to discreetly rub my nauseous tummy. I knew it was only a matter of time before I got sick and I really hope the boys don't hear.

"You wanna play Lou?" Niall asked.

"No, you guys can keep playing." I said with a forced smile.

The boys all exchanged glances with one another.

"If you don't wanna play Lou, we can do something else. What's something you wanna do?" Harry asks.

"No no, you guys can keep playing don't worry about it." I said.

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