Louis sinus infection

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Requested from @outofellassystem

Louis's POV

I groaned and rubbed my temples as my headache increasingly got worse with each passing second. Not only did I have a headache, but I felt like I was drowning in my own snot and I have this aggravating cough that won't go away. I had went to bed early last night, hoping to feel better in the morning, but that was not the case. I felt even worse today and to make matters worse we have a bunch of interviews and promos to do today. Let's just say, today was definitely not a good day to be sick, so therefore I'm going to be miserable all day.

"C'mon Tommo, hurry you're slow self up or we're gonna be late!" I heard Liam say from the other side of the door.

I sighed heavily and dragged myself out of bed and put some decent looking clothes on. I didn't feel up to having a shower so I just put cologne on instead. I went downstairs and met the boys in the kitchen who were chatting away and eating breakfast.

"Lou, come eat some breakfast, I've already made you a plate." Liam says.

"No thanks, I'm not really hungry." I admitted.

I was so tired I'm honestly not sure I have enough energy to eat anything at the moment.

"Why, is something wrong?" Liam questions.

"I think I'm sick, I just don't feel up to eating right now." I shrugged.

"What feels bad? How long have you felt sick?" Liam asks, whilst feeling my forehead.

"My head hurts and I'm all stuffy and my whole body just kind of aches." I said.

"You do feel warm. Unfortunately management's not gonna let you out of today, so you'll have to try and tough it out. But if you need anything just let me know okay?"

I nodded, too tired to give a verbal answer at this point. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"We don't have to leave for another 15 minutes, why don't you go lay down on the couch?" Liam suggested.

I didn't have to be told twice. I nodded and immediately went to the living room and plopped down on the couch and immediately dosed off into a half asleep state. Unfortunately, my sleep didn't last long and Liam woke me up to leave.

"Lou, are you sure you're going to be up for today? You look like you're ready to fall over any second." Harry says, worry evident on his face.

"I have no choice. Management's already said I'm not allowed to skip out on today." I say.

Truthfully I would love to just go back to bed. I feel absolutely exhausted and achy and my headache was getting worse by the second. But at the same time even if management let me out of today, it'd be kind of embarrassing to stay home in bed over a cold. It's not as if I was dying or anything.

Harry looked at me with reluctance. I absolutely hated worrying people, especially the lads over these kinds of things. Whenever it comes to sickness, I hate having all the attention on me. It's embarrassing for some reason and I can't even explain why.

"Just tell me know if you feel worse alright?" Harry says.

I nodded and gave a slight smile. Then we all piled into the van and headed off to our first destination of the day which is unfortunately an interview. They were fun when the job first started. I don't know why, but for some reason I loved going to interviews the first year as One Direction. But now after nearly five years of the job it's pretty much the same questions asked over and over again. And typically they were either about our love interests or what were most excited about with whatever event was coming up for us. It's not that I hate doing interviews per see, but when I feel like crap and I have to try to sit perfectly squished on a couch and answer the same questions over and over, can you really blame me for not really wanting to go this time?

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