Niall epilepsy

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Requested by @ChaggieCharr
Niall's POV

"Come on mate, get up we overslept!" I felt someone shaking me awake.

I squinted as the morning sunlight filled my eyes as I sat up in bed.

"We gotta leave for the interview in two minutes, you only have time to get dressed Ni." Liam says as he struggles to put on his left shoe all while trying to make sure everyone else is awake.

I suppose we all forget to set our alarms last night. We had a movie marathon last night and we all ended falling asleep in the living room. If I remember correctly, we all collectively woke up at about 1 in the morning and dragged ourselves to bed. I guess no one remembered to put an alarm on before officially going to bed for the night.

I tiredly pulled the covers off and goosebumps immediately covered my skin. I wasted no time trying to find some clothes, which ended up just being a t-shirt and jeans which was found off of the floor. I was too tired to search through my closet to find something, and I'm 90% sure these clothes are clean anyways despite them being found on the floor. I got dressed as quickly as I could and followed the boys who were being pushed out of the door by Liam.

It was 6 in the morning and we were all exhausted. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had forgotten to do something important this morning, which I most likely did considering all I had time to do was change. I shrugged the thought aside. If it were that important I wouldn't have forgotten it, right?

I lazily leaned my head against the window of the van and tried to go back to sleep for a little bit. I was so tired and I would kill for another ten minutes of sleep right now. I was already beginning to get a headache so I knew I was in for a fun day. Just as I was about to dose off into a light sleep, I was being shaken awake to find out that we had arrived.

I slowly got out of the van and stretched my tired limbs before making my way into the building. Luckily this was only a radio interview so I didn't have to worry about making myself look presentable. As soon as we got in we were rushed into the room where we would be interviewed.

"Alright everyone, this'll just be about a 20 minute interview and then you guys can be on your way." The interviewer smiled.

Luckily we got John as our interviewer this morning. It was either gonna be him or a young woman who wasn't always pleasant to work with. When she wasn't busy telling us that our every little move needed to be corrected, she was digging very deeply into our personal life and was always very smug about it when she knew she cornered us. John usually tried to keep his questions to a minimum and changed the topic when he noticed we were getting uncomfortable.

We sat down at the table and put our headphones on and waited for them to tell us what to do. As I listened to our instructions I couldn't help but notice that my headache was getting increasingly worse. I should have remembered to grab some Tylenol on the way out.

"-and Niall did you catch that?"

I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I cleared my throat awkwardly as a way to fill in the silence in the room.

"Sorry what was that?" I asked.

"I just said that if everyone is ready we can go ahead and get started." John said with a reassuring smile.

"Oh yeah, um sorry we can start." I replied looking down awkwardly.

John just nodded and signaled to start recording. As every other interview would go, John began by introducing us and we went right into the questions. I tried to maintain focus and be apart of the conversation but I progressively started feeling weird. My headache was steadily increasing to a migraine, and I was almost feeling a little nauseous. I can't tell if I need to throw up or not but the thought sent a cold chill down my spine. Of all days to be sick, it had to be this one. Although at least it's a radio interview and it's not even live so I guess it could always be worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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